Xiaohua Liu, PhD

Adjunct Professor
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Texas A&M University College of Dentistry
3302 Gaston Avenue
Phone: 214.370.7007
Fax: 214.874.4538
Google Scholar
Career History
- Adjunct Professor, Texas A&M College of Dentistry (2021-present)
- Associate Professor, Texas A&M College of Dentistry (2016 - 2021)
- Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Dentistry/Texas A&M College of Dentistry (2010 - 2016)
Teaching Interests
- Nano-Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine (Course Director)
- Responsible Conduct in Biomedical Research (Course Director)
- Cell and Molecular Biology of Oral and Craniofacial Tissues II (Co-Course Director)
- Microscopy, Imaging, and Associated Techniques (Co-course Director)
Research Interests
The research in my lab focuses on the development of bio-inspired materials and nanotechnologies for tissue regeneration and controlled drug delivery. Specifically, we are interested in 1) Design and synthesis of novel biomaterials and bio-responsive drug delivery systems; 2) Development of biomimetic 3D platforms to control stem cell fates; and 3) Regeneration of dental and craniofacial tissues.
Recent Grants
- NIH/NIDCR DE029808 Liu (PI) 4/2021 - 3/2026
- NIH/NIDCR DE024979 Liu (PI) 7/2020-6/2022
- NIH/NIAMS AR078311 Liu (CO-I) 7/2021-3/2026
- NIH/NIDCR AR078311 Liu (Co-I) 7/2021-3/2026
- NIH/NIDCR DE024979 Liu (PI) 7/2016-6/2022
- NIH/NIDCR DE019463 Liu (Co-I) 7/2017-4/2022
- CPRIT RP170179 Liu (Co-PI) 8/2017-8/2021
Recent Selected Publications
- Chang B, Ma C, Feng J, Svoboda K, and Liu X (2021). “Dental pulp stem cell polarization: effects of biophysical factors” Journal of Dental Research, 100:1153-1160. PMID: 34328032
- Liang Y, Hu Z, Li Q, and Liu X (2021). “Pyrophosphate inhibits periodontal ligament stem cell differentiation and mineralization through MAPK signaling pathways” Journal of Periodontology Research, 56:982–990, PMID: 34142719
- Li Q, Hu Z, Rong X, Chang B, and Liu X (2021). “Multifunctional polyplex micelles for efficient microRNA delivery and accelerated osteogenesis” Nanoscale, 3: 12198–12211, PMID: 34231613
- Chang B and Liu X (2021). “Osteon: structure, turnover and regeneration” Tissue Engineering Part B, 2021, doi: 10.1089/ten.TEB.2020.0322, PMID: 33487116
- Li Q, Hu Z, Liang Y, and Liu X (2021). “Multifunctional peptide-conjugated non-viral gene delivery for vascularized pulp regeneration in a full-length human tooth root” Acta Biomaterialia, 127: 252-265 PMID: 33813092.
- Chang B, Ma C, and Liu X (2020). “Nanofibrous tubular three-dimensional platform for single dental pulp stem cell polarization” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12: 54481-54488, PMID: 33252216.
- Wu R, Ma C, Liang Y, Chen F, and Liu X (2020). “ECM-mimicking nanofibrous matrix coaxes macrophages toward an anti-inflammatory phenotype: Cellular behaviors and transcriptome analysis” Applied Materials Today, 100508, PMCID: PMC7450828
- Liang Y, Luan X, and Liu X (2020). “Recent advances in periodontal regeneration: A biomaterial perspective” Bioactive Materials, 5:297-308, PMCID: PMC7052441
- Hu Z, Ma C, Liang Y, Zou S, and Liu X (2019). “Osteoclasts in bone regeneration under type 2 diabetes mellitus” Acta Biomaterialia, 84:402-413. PMCID: PMC6326860
- Chang B, Svoboda K, and Liu X (2019). “Cell polarization: From epithelial cells to odontoblasts” International Journal of Oral Science, 98:1-11. PMCID: PMC6338482
- Ma C, Chang B, Jing Y, Kim H, and Liu X (2018). “Bio-inspired micropatterned platforms recapitulate 3D physiological morphologies of bone and dentinal cells” Advanced Sciences, 5:1801037, PMCID:PMC6299721
- Chang B, Ma C, and Liu X (2018). “Nanofibers regulate single bone marrow stem cell osteogenesis via FAK/RhoA/YAP1 pathway” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10:33022-33031. PMCID: PMC6436105
- Hu Z, Ma C, Rong X, Zou S, and Liu X (2018). “Immunomodulatory ECM-like microspheres for accelerated bone regeneration in diabetes mellitus” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10:2377-2390. PMID: 29280610.
- Ma C, Qu T, Chang B, Jing Y, Feng JQ, and Liu X. (2018) “3D maskless micropatterning for regeneration of highly organized tubular tissues” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 7: 1700738, PMCID: PMC5803393.
- Chang B, Ahuja N, Ma C, and Liu X. (2017) “Injectable scaffolds for dental and craniofacial regeneration” Materials Science & Engineering R: Reports, 111:1-26. PMCID: PMC5478172.
Complete List of Published Work in myBibliography: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/myncbi/xiaohua.liu.2/bibliography/45484534/public/?sort=date&direction=ascending
Or in Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PQmfou8AAAAJ&hl=en
National Service/Recognition
- Standing member of NIH ODCS study section (2021-2025)
- Program chair of Society for Biomaterials Dental/Craniofacial Special Interest Group (2015-Present)
- Ad hoc reviewer for 33 journals (2013-present)
- Editorial board member of Journal of Dental Research (2016-2022)
- 28 invited talks (nationally and internationally) (2013-2021)
Education and Training
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2010
- Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Ph.D., 2002
- Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, B.E., 1997