Xinping Wang, DVM, Ph.D

Xinping worked in the Brodie Lab from 2002 until 2005 as a Research Assistant Professor. Xinping was interested in questions related to amelogenin evolution in reptiles and amphibians and published some of the very first amphibian amelogenin sequences. He extensively characterized the amelogenin protein in the frog Rana pipiens (Wang et al. 2005, Diekwisch et al. 2006) and published the first Iguana amelogenin sequence (Wang et al. 2006). His work in the Brodie lab also resulted in the first report of amelogenin alternative splicing in amphibians, using the North American Red Back Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) as a model (Diekwisch et al. 2010, Wang et al. 2013). Altogether, he published five papers with us, three of them as first author. Xinping became a full professor at Jilin University in 2009.