Bernard J. Hennessy, FAGD, ABGD

Department Head, Comprehensive Dentistry
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Comprehensive Dentistry
3302 Gaston Ave.
Phone: 214.828.8414
Fax: 214.874.4551
Education and Post Graduate Training
- 1996-1998 Advanced Education in General Dentistry 2 Year Fort Hood, TX Certificate
- 1982-1986 University of Illinois College of Dentistry, Chicago, IL DDS
- 1978-1982 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL B.S. Microbiology
Selected Publications
- Swenson E, Hennessy B, Detection of occlusal carious lesions: an in vitro comparison of clinician’s diagnostic abilities at varying levels of experience. Gen Dent. 2009, Jan-Feb; 57(1): 60-66.
- Carbone J, Hennessy B, Investigation into the use of digital fiber-optic trans-illumination (DIFOTI) in caries detection, AMEDD Journal, Jan-Mar 2006: 35-40.
- Hennessy, B, A survey of pre-procedural antiseptic mouth rinse use in Army dental clinics, Military Medicine, 169(8), August 2004: 600-603.
- Chaffin JG, Hennessy B, Cripps KA, Validity of using a panoramic radiograph for initial dental classification of Army recruits, 169(5), May 2004:1-5.
- Hennessy B, Kerns D, The incidence of active duty dental patients taking antihypertensive medications, 164(10), Oct 1999: 368-372.
Specialty Training/Board Certifications
- Illinois State License #019.020403
- Texas State License # F 29609
- 1996, Fellow Academy of General Dentistry
- 2000, Diplomate, American Board of General Dentistry
- 2000, Diplomate, Federal Services Board of General Dentistry
National Service/Recognition
- 2016-present Clinical Associate Professor, Diagnostic Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX
- 2013-2016 Clinical Assistant Professor, Diagnostic Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, Dallas TX
- 2013 Legion of Merit
- 2013 Order of Military Medical Merit
- 2010 Meritorious Service Medal---3rd Oak Leaf Cluster
- 2009 “A” Designator from the Surgeon General, equivalent to Full Professor in civilian education
- 2008 American College of Dentists
- 2008 International College of Dentists
- 2007-2008 Army Delegate to the American Dental Association House of Delegates
- 2005 Meritorious Service Medal---2nd Oak Leaf Cluster
- 2003 Meritorious Service Medal---1st Oak Leaf Cluster
- 2003 “Mentor of the Year” Comanche AEGD-12 Month Program Fort Sill, Oklahoma
- 2002 “Mentor of the Year” Comanche AEGD-12 Month Program Fort Sill, Oklahoma
- 2000 Army Commendation Medal---2nd Oak Leaf Cluster
- 1998 Army Achievement Medal
- 1996 Army Commendation Medal---1st Oak Leaf Cluster
- 1993 Meritorious Service Medal
- 1993 Overseas Service Medal
- 1990 Army Commendation Medal
- 1988 Expert Field Medical Badge
- 1986-2013 US Army---Director AEGD-2/AEGD-1 Residency
- 1986 Army Service Ribbon