Hui Liang, BDS, MS, PhD

Interim Director of Radiology and Director of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Resident Program
Department of Diagnostic Sciences
3302 Gaston Ave.
Room 103B
Phone: 214.828.8392
Education and Post-Graduate Training
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Dentistry; Chapel Hill, North Carolina; MS; 1995-1998; Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology
- Peking University School of Stomatology; Beijing, China; PhD; 1988-1992; Prosthodontics
- Peking University School of Stomatology; Beijing, China; DDS; 1982-1988; Dentistry
Research Interests
- Planmeca Promax - digital panoramic, cephalometric, and tomographic imaging unit. Planmeca USA, Inc. (Roselee, IL). $60,000 (equipment consignment; 2006 - present). BW Benson, H Liang, DJ Flint. Role: co-principal investigator.
- Digora PCT extraoral storage phosphor imaging system. PaloDEx / Instrumentarium / Soredex (Milwaukee, WI). $28,000 (equipment consignment; 2006-present), BW Benson, E Schneiderman, H Liang. Role: co-principal investigator.
- Clinical trials of Optime – a digital intraoral imaging system. GE Medical Systems/Soredex, USA. (Milwaukee, WI). $12,000 (equipment donation; 2004 – present). BW Benson, E Schneiderman, H Liang. Role: co-principal investigator.
- Clinical trials of Kodak 8000C Digital Panoramic/Cephalometric Radiography System.Kodak Dental Systems/PracticeWorks (Atlanta, GA). $44,000 (equipment consignment; 2004 – present). BW Benson, H Liang. Role: co-principal investigator.
- Clinical trials of PCT – a digital extraoral imaging system. GE Medical Systems/Soredex, USA. (Milwaukee, WI). $20,000 (equipment consignment; 2002 – 2006). NL Frederiksen, BW Benson, H Liang. Role: co-principal investigator.
Selected Publications
- Masood F, Nicholson J, Beckerley J, Liang H, Radfar L. Comparison of Healing Following Tooth Extraction With Ridge Preservation Using Anorganic Bovine Bone Mineral Particulate and Self-Expanding Composite Graft. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2016 Sep;27(8);e1-4.
- Wang ZJ, Rollins NK, Liang H, Park YJ. Induced Magnetic Moment in Stainless Steel Components of Orthodontic Appliances in 1.5 T MRI Scanners. Med Phys. 2015 Oct;42(10):5871-8.
- Cheng YS, Liang H, Wright J, Teenier T. Multiple Orthokeratinized Odontogenic Cysts: a Case Report. Head Neck Pathol. 2015 Mar; 9(1): 153-7. doi: 10.1007/s12105-014-0545-5. Epub 2014 April 16.
- Benson BW, Flint DJ, Liang H, Opatowsky MJ. Advances in Diagnostic Imaging for Pathologic Conditions of the Jaws. Head Neck Pathol. 2014 Dec; 8 (4):383-91. doi: 10.1007/s12105-014-0575-z. Epub 2014 Nov20.
- Liang H, Cheng YSL, Kessler HP, Crossland JA. (2014). Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month. Stafne Defect (Lingual Mandibular Depression). J Mich Dent Assoc. 2014; 96(8):42-6.
- Liang H, Cheng YSL, Kessler HP, Crossland JA. (2014). Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month. Stafne Defect (Lingual Mandibular Depression). Texas Dental Journal 2014 March, 131(3): 206-7, 254-6.
- Jung YH, Liang H, Benson BW, Flint DJ, Cho BH. The assessment of impacted maxillary canine position with panoramic radiography and cone beam computed tomography. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 41: 356-360, 2012.
- Liang H, Cheng Ysh, Schwarz G. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month. Antral Pseudocyst. Texas Dental Journal 2011 December, 128(12): 1288, 1302-3.
- Benson BW, Liang H, Flint DJ. Panoramic radiography: digital technology fosters efficiency. Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry 32 (Special Issue 4):6-8. November/December 2011.
- Liang H, Flint DJ, Benson BW. Why should we insist patients remove all jewellery? Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 40: 328-330, 2011.
- Puttaiah R, Liang H: Chapter 14 Infection control in Dental Radiology, Infection control and occupational safety recommendations for oral health professionals, Anil Kohli & Raghunath Puttaiah, Dental Council of India, Aiwan-E-Galib Marg, Kotla Road, Temple Lane, New Delhi – 110002, India. 2007
- Cheng YSh, Liang H, Kessler HP, Porter K. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month, Texas Dental Journal 2007 December 124(12):1216-1223.
- Liang H, Frederiksen NL, Benson BW. Lingual vascular canals of the interforaminal region of the mandible: evaluation with conventional tomography. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 33: 340-341, 2004.
- Liang H, Costa C, Frederiksen NL, Wright JM. Phleboliths in the Infratemporal Fossa Presenting as an Intramaxillary Lesion.Rev ABRO 2004; jul-dez; 5(2): 47-49. (Rev ABRO = Revista da Associação Brasileira de Radiologia Odontológica ISSN1518-2819)
- Liang H, Frederiksen NL, Binnie WH, Cheng, YS. Intraosseous Oral Leiomyoma: Systematic Review and Report of One Case. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 32: 285-290, 2003.
- Liang H, Burkes EJ, Frederiksen NL. Multiple Idiopathic Cervical Root Resorption – Literature Review and Report of a Case. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 32: 150-155, 2003.
- Liang H, Tyndall DA, Ludlow JB, Lang LA, Nunn ME. Accuracy of Mandibular Cross-sectional Imaging Using Tuned-aperture Computed Tomography (TACT), Iterative TACT, Multidirectional, Linear and Panoramic Transverse Tomography. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontics. 91:594-602, 2001.
- Liang H, Benson BW, Frederiksen NL. Pneumatization of the Pterygoid Process of the Sphenoid Bone. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, the Journal of the International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 30(1):63, 2001.
- Liang H, Frederiksen NL. Linear Tomography: A Diagnostic Aid. Contemporary Esthetics and Restorative Practice. 3:90-92, 1999.
- Liang H, Tyndall DA, Ludlow JB, Lang LA. Cross-sectional Presurgical Implant Imaging Using Tuned-aperture Computed Tomography (TACT). Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, the Journal of the International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 28(4), 232-237, 1999.
- Li DF, Li GZ, Liang H. A Discussion of Jaws Relation in Complete Denture Restoration. Shanghai Oral Dentistry, 2(1), 10-12, 1993.
- Li GZ, Lu PJ, Liang H. The Causes of Longitudinal Fracture of the Upper Complete Denture Base. Chung-Hua Kou Ching i Hsueh Tsa Chih, the Journal of Chinese Dental Association, 227(5), 279-281, 1992.
- Liang H, DeWald J, Solomon E. Oral Radiology Course and National Board Dental Hygiene Examination Performance. The 67th American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Annual Session, Sept. 28-Oct 1, 2016; Scottsdale, AZ
- Casian R, Liang H, Flint D, Benson B. CBCT imaging findings in craniofacial polyostotic dysplasia related to McCune-Albright syndrome. The 67th American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Annual Session, Sept. 28-Oct 1, 2016; Scottsdale, AZ
- Casian R, Benson B, Flint D, Liang H. A case of non-familial gigantiform cementoma. The 67th American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Annual Session, Sept. 28-Oct 1, 2016; Scottsdale, AZ
- Wang Q, Kessler MJ, Kensler TB, Liang H, Tang ML, Dechow PC. Long-term low levels of sex steroids negatively impact oral health. AADR March 16-19, 2016; Los Angeles, CA
- Liang H, Cheng YSL, Starck WJ. Aggressive Osteoblastoma of the mandible-A case report. The 64th American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Annual meeting, Los Angela, CA. Oct 2-6, 2013.
- Cheng YSL, Wright J, Liang H, Teenier T. Multiple Orthokeratinized odontogenic keratocysts in a twenty-three year old man. The 67th American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Annual meeting, Portland, OR. June 21-26, 2013.
- Saad AF, Nickell LT, Benson BW, Flint DJ, Liang H, Opatowsky MJ. Cone Beam CT: Imaging Techniques and Evaluation of Oral Pathology. Educational exhibit at: 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology; San Diego, CA. May 18-23, 2013
- Saad AF, Nickell LT, Benson BW, Flint DJ, Liang H, Opatowsky MJ. Cone Beam CT: What a head and neck radiologist needs to know. Educational exhibit at: 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology; Miami Beach, FL. Oct 3-7, 2012.
- Liang H, Flint DJ, Benson BW, Cheng YSH. Neurofibroma of the mandible: Review of the literature and report a case. The 60th American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Annual meeting, Louisville, Kentucky. 10/22/2009.
- Liang H, Cheng YSH, Kessler HP, Porter K. An uncommon age of onset of Langerhans cell histiocytosis. The 16th International Congress of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. Beijing, China. 6/30/2007.
- Liang H, Franco PF, Frederiksen NL, Benson BW. Osteoma of Glenoid Fossa; a case report. American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, annual meeting. Denver, Colorado. 11/6/2004.
- Liang H, Liang H, Frederiksen NL, Binnie WH, Cheng, YS. Intraosseous Leiomyoma: Systematic Review and Report of One Case. Accepted for 82th General Session of IADR in Honolulu, Hawaii, March 10-13, 2004 (withdraw due to publication).
- Cederberg RA, Liang H, Frederiksen NL. Temporamandibular Joint Space Analysis: Comparison of Film and Digital Imaging. American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, annual meeting. Chicago, Illinois. 12/6/2003
- Puttaiah R, Reagan J, Griggs J, Witherspoon D, Spears R, Liang H, Sargent C. Efficacy of four treatment procedures in removal of smear layer during root canal treatment. 81st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, Goteburg, Sweden June 25-28, 2003.
- Liang H, Frederiksen NL, Rivera-Hidalgo F, Cederberg R. Minimum Resolution For Caries Diagnosis Using Digitized Images. AADR meeting in San Antonio, Texas. March 12-15, 2003 (poster 03/13/2003)
- Liang H, Li GZ, Wang YY. A Comparative Study of Functions after Prosthesis between the Neutral Zone and Conventional Complete Dentures. Proc. 5th Chinese National Symp. Stomatology, p160, 1992.
- Rivera-Hidalgo F, Liang H, Frederiksen NL, Cederberg RA. Resolution of Digitized Images Displayed on a Computer Monitor. Journal of Dental Research, Volume 81, Special issue: 3491, 2002.
- Liang H, Frederiksen NL, Benson BW. Lingual Vascular Canals of the Mandible: Evaluation with Conventional Tomography. American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, annual meeting. Portland, Oregon. 10/6/2001.
- Frederiksen NL, Liang H, Cederberg RA. The Diagnostic Accuracy of Standard and High-Resolution Storage Phosphor Image Detectors. DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology Volume 30, Supplement 1: 15.5, 2001.
- Liang H, Cederberg RA, Frederiksen NL. A Comparison of F-Speed Film and Digital Imaging System Using Caries Diagnosis. Journal of Dental Research, Volume 80, Special issue: 806, 2001.
- Liang H, Frederiksen NL, Wright JM, Ekhtiar M. Infratemporal Fossa Phleboliths Masquerading as Intramaxillary Calcifications. American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, annual meeting. Nashville, TN. 11/9/2000.
- Frederiksen NL, Cederberg RA, Liang H. Coloration of Digital Images. American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, annual meeting. Nashville, TN. 11/8/2000.
- Liang H, Frederiksen NL, Benson BW. Measurements made in tomographic images: Effect of tomographic motion. Journal of Dental Research, Volume 79, Special issue: 856, 2000.
- Liang H, Burkes EJ, Frederiksen NL. Multiple Idiopathic Cervical Root Resorption – Literature Review and Report of a Case. American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, annual meeting. Chicago, IL. 12/1/1999.
- Liang H, Tyndall DA, Ludlow JB, Lang LA. Comparative Study of Cross-sectional Presurgical Implant Imaging Using Five Modalities. Journal of Dental Research, Volume 78, Special issue, 3432, 1999.
- Liang H, Tyndall DA, Ludlow JB, Lang LA. Mandibular Cross-sectional Imaging Using Tuned-aperture Computed Tomography (TACT). American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, annual meeting. Santa Fe, NM. 10/171998.
- Liang H, Li GZ, Wang YY. A Comparative Study of Functions after Prosthesis between the Neutral Zone and Conventional Complete Dentures. Proc. 5th Chinese National Symp. Stomatology, p160, 1992.
Specialty Training/Board Certifications
2002 - Texas Dental Board
1997 - Diplomate American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
National Service/Recognition
- 2014 – Baylor Faculty Award, Dallas County Dental Society
- 2014 - Nominee for Teacher of the Year, Dental Hygiene, Texas A & M University College of Dentistry
- 2014 - Distinguished Teaching Award, Texas A & M University College of Dentistry
- 2004 – Nominee for Teacher of the Year, Dental Hygiene, Texas A & M University College of Dentistry
- 2002 - Omicron Kappa Upsilon Omicron Chapter Honor Dental Society honors as a faculty membership.
- 2001 - Arthur H. Wuehrmann Prize for the best article published in the Oral Radiology section of Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics Journal.