Larry P. Tadlock, DDS, MS

Department Head, Orthodontics
Program Director
Clinical Professor
Department of Orthodontics
3302 Gaston Avenue
Phone: 214.828.8314
Fax: 214.874.4569
Dr. Larry P. Tadlock is the Head of the Orthodontic Department, as well as the Program Director, and is a Clinical Professor at Texas A&M School of Dentistry. He has been teaching in the Orthodontic Department since 2000. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at Arlington and his DDS from the College of Dentistry in 1984. He received his MS degree and orthodontic specialty certificate from the University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston in 1988. Dr. Tadlock was in private practice for over 30 years.
Dr. Tadlock is an active member of many professional organizations. He has lectured nationally and internationally and has served in leadership in both local and national professional organizations. He served on the Board of Trustees of the Southwestern Society of Orthodontists and is a past President of the SWSO. He served as a Director of the American Board of Orthodontics from 2011 to 2020 and was President of the ABO (2018 to 2019).
Dr. Tadlock has been the recipient of numerous teaching, clinical and professional awards. The most notable include the Earl E. and Wilma S. Shepard Award of Distinguished Service from the American Board of Orthodontics (2008), the Yellen – Shoverling Award from the University of Texas Alumni (2009), and the Martin Dewey Award – the highest honor the Southwestern Society of Orthodontists bestows on one of its members. This award recognizes an individual for outstanding contributions to the advancement of orthodontics in education, practice and research (2016).
Education and Post-Graduate Training
Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics, 1995
M.S., Biomedical Sciences, Certificate in Orthodontics, University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston, 1988
D.D.S., Baylor College of Dentistry, 1984
B.S., Biology, The University of Texas at Arlington, 1980
1984 |
Baylor Odontological Honor Society |
1994 |
C.T. Rowland Award – Tweed Orthodontic Study Group of Texas - “Presented annually by the Charles H. Tweed Study Group of the Southwest to one of its members who displays outstanding proficiency in clinical orthodontics” |
1995 |
American Board of Orthodontics – Certification |
1996 |
A.P. Westfall Award –Tweed Orthodontic Study Group of Texas - “Award for outstanding proficiency in the practice of clinical orthodontics” |
1997 |
Fred H. Schudy Award, Extraction Case – Tweed Orthodontic Study Group of Texas - “Award for excellence in the practice of clinical orthodontics” |
1998 |
J. Clifford Wood Memorial Award - Baylor Orthodontic Alumni Assoc. - “This annual award is presented to a young Baylor orthodontist who exhibits the highest standards of professional competence, community involvement, personal integrity and family values as exemplified by the late Dr. Cliff Wood.” |
1999 |
A.P. Westfall Award –Tweed Orthodontic Study Group of Texas - “Award for outstanding proficiency in the practice of clinical orthodontics” |
2002 |
Robert E. Gaylord Award of Excellence in Orthodontic Education - Baylor College of Dentistry, Orthodontic Department |
2003 |
Robert E. Gaylord Award of Excellence in Orthodontic Education - Baylor College of Dentistry, Orthodontic Department - “For outstanding achievement in upholding the high ideals of humanism and excellence in dental education as exemplified by the life of Robert E. Gaylord.” |
2003 |
Service Appreciation Award – College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics |
2004 |
Tom M. Matthews Award - Baylor Orthodontic Alumni Association - “Presented annually by the Baylor Orthodontic Alumni Association for the outstanding contribution to the Baylor Orthodontic Department” |
2008 |
Earl E. and Wilma S. Shepard Award of Distinguished Service – American Board of Orthodontics, “In recognition of substantial contributions to the advancement of the ideals and mission of the American Board of Orthodontics.” |
2009 |
Yellen - Schoverling Award - University of Texas Orthodontic Alumni - for “advancing the art and science of orthodontics” as exemplified in the lives of Milton Yellen and W.J. Schoverling. |
2009 |
Fellow, American College of Dentists |
2012 |
Baylor Ortho-Oscar Award – Presented to the Baylor resident and supervising faculty member whose case presentation has been judged to represent the highest quality of treatment. |
2012 |
Eldon Attaway Award – Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry – for Excellence in Teaching the Art and Science of Clinical Orthodontics |
2013 |
Robert E. Gaylord Award of Excellence in Education – Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry, Orthodontic Department |
2015 |
Robert E. Gaylord Award of Excellence in Education – Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry, Orthodontic Department |
2016 |
Martin Dewey Award – the highest honor the Southwestern Society of Orthodontists bestows on one of its members. This award recognizes an individual for outstanding contributions to the advancement of orthodontics in education, practice and research. |
2019 |
Induction – International College of Dentists. |
Representative Publications
1988 |
Tadlock L. Stability of Rigid Fixation - Master’s Thesis
1995 |
Tadlock L. C.T. Rowland Award Orthodontic Case Report. Texas Dental Journal, 1995; 111: 8-13 |
2003 |
James J, Miller B, English J, Tadlock L, Buschang P. Effects of high-speed curing devices on shear bond strength and microleakage of orthodontic brackets. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop), 2003; 123:555-561
2013 |
Jacob H, Tadlock L, Swapp A. Skeletal Class III malocclusion correction using miniscrew implants. Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontics, 2013; 2:e151-e158
2014 |
Chapter 6, Orthodontic Review, Second Edition, Jeryl English, Mosby, pgs 89-97
2014 |
Restrep LG, Peláez JF, Tadlock L. The IBC: CES Board Index. CES Odontologia 2014; 27:106-117
2015 |
Castelein P, DeLeon E, Dugoni S, Chung C, Tadlock L, Barone N, Kulbersh V, Sabott D, Kastrop M. Certification renewal process of the American Board of Orthodontics. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop, 2015;147:S232-S233
2017 |
Dugoni S, Chung C, Tadlock L, Barone N, Kulbersh V, Sabott D, Foley P, Trulove T, DeLeon E. New certification renewal options for the American Board of Orthodontics. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop, 2017;151:427-428
2017 |
Morris J, Campbell P, Tadlock L, Boley J, Buschang P. Prevalence of Gingival Recession Following Orthodontic Tooth Movements. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop, 2017;151:851-9
2017 |
Chung CH, Tadlock LP, Barone N, Pangrazio-Kulbersh V, Sabott DG, Foley PF, Trulove TS, Park JH, Dugoni SA. Common errors observed at the American Board of Orthodontics clinical examination. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2017; 152:139-142.
2017 |
Buschang PH, Roldan S, Tadlock L. Guidelines for Assessing the Growth and Development of Orthodontic patients. Semin Orthod 2017; 23:321-335.
2018 |
Rogers K, Campbell P, Tadlock L. Treatment changes of hypo- and hyperdivergent Class II Herbst patients. Angle Orthod, 2018; 88:3-9.
2018 |
Chung CH, Tadlock LP, Barone N, Pangrazio-Kulbersh V, Sabott DG, Foley PF, Trulove TS, Park JH, Dugoni SA. American Board of Orthodontics: Time for Change. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2018; 153:321-323. |
2018 |
Swidi A, Taylor R, Tadlock L, Buschang PH. Recent advances in orthodontic dental retention methods: A Review article. J World Fed Orthod, 2018; 7:6-12. |
2019 |
Cramer C, Campbell PM, Opperman LA, Tadlock LP, Buschang PH. The effects of micro-osteoperforations on tooth movement and bone in the beagle maxilla. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2019; 155:681-692.
Ross MC, Campbell PM, Tadlock LP, Taylor RW, Buschang PH. Effect of automated messaging on oral hygiene in adolescent orthodontic patients: A randomized controlled trial. Angle Orthod. 2019; 89:262-267
2019 |
Asiri SN, Tadlock LP, Buschang PH. The prevalence of clinically meaningful malocclusion among US adults. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2019;00:1–8.
2019 |
Tadlock LP, Barone N, Pangrazio-Kulbersh V, Sabott DG, Foley PF, Trulove TS, Park JH, Chung CH. Update on the new scenario-based clinical examination. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2019; 155:765-766.
2020 |
Crossley A, Campbell P, Tadlock L, Schneiderman E, Buschang PH. Is there a relationship between dental crowding and the size of the maxillary or mandibular apical base? The Angle Orthodontist 2020; 90: 216–223.
2020 |
Buschang PH, Tadlock LP. (2020) Chapter 14; Treating Skeletal Class II, Hyperdivergent Patients – A Structured Decision Making Process. Park, JH. Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2020, p117-132.
2020 |
Barone N, Pangrazio-Kulbersh P, Sabott D, Foley P, Trulove T, Park JH, Hernandez-Orsini R, McCullough S, Tadlock LP. American Board of Orthodontics: Progress of the scenario-based clinical examination. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2020; 158:14-15.
2021 |
Geshay D, Campbell P, Tadlock L, Schneiderman, Kyung H, Buschang P. Stability of immediately loaded 3mm miniscrew implants: A feasibility study. Dental Press J Orthod. 2021, 26: e2119155 |
2021 |
George S, Campbell P, Tadlock L, Schneiderman, Buschang P. Keys to Class II correction: A comparison of 2 extraction protocols. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. In Press. |