John Wright, DDS

Regents Professor
Department of Diagnostic Sciences
3302 Gaston Ave.
Phone: 214.828.8118
Education and Post-Graduate Training
- Indiana University, College of Dentistry Oral Pathology, Indianapolis, Indiana; MS; 1975-1977; Oral Pathology
- West Virginia University, College of Dentistry, Morgantown, West Virginia; DDS; 1969-1973; Dentistry
- West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia; BS; 1966-1969; Pre-Dental
Research Interests
Research Grants
Maitland K, Javier J. Gimenez-Conti I, Cheng Y-S, Wright JM. Clay A ROI CA 138653-01A2. Multiresolution FLIM and reflectance confocal microscopy to detect dysplasia. Aug 2010 – Sept 2015. $1,409,271
- Al-Hashimi I, Chang JYF, Wright J (Co-Investigator), Plemons J, Hallmon W. Amarillo Biosciences, Inc. Protocol Number 03HUHI19 Evaluation of Natural Human Interferon Alpha Administered Oromucosally in the Treatment of Oral Warts in HIV-Seropositive Subjects Receiving Combination Anti-Retroviral Therapy: A Phase 2 Clinical Trial. 2007-09, $29,288.
- The effect of tobacco related carcinogen NNK on cell proliferation and apoptosis in oral epithelial cells in vitro. Clay Weed Memorial Cancer Fund Trust, $10,029. January 2003 – August 2004.
- Simmons, ME, Wright JM (mentor). Placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial to determine the effects of CDX-101 on the healing of recurrent aphthous ulcers. Short term training program in Dental and Craniofacial Research. NIH Training Grant (T35), June 1 – August 31, 2002. $4,539.
- Rees, TD, Plemons JM, Wright JM. A double-blind, randomized, vehicle-controlled Phase 2 study of the safety and efficacy of amlexanox 1.0% gel in patients with oral lichen planus. Access Pharmaceuticals, Inc. June 2001.
- Binnie WH, Wright JM, Rees TD, Rankin KV, Stanford TW. A phase 2/3 investigator blind, randomized, parallel group study to determine the effects of amlexanox disc, 2mg on the healing of recurrent aphthous ulcers as compared with vehicle discs or no treatment. Protocol AP-C-9E03. Access Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Dallas, TX, June 2000. $30,000
- Cooley C, Wright JM, Al-Hashimi IH. Histological assessment of the reproducibility of the grading scheme of labial salivary gland biopsies used for the diagnosis of Sjogren’s Syndrome. National Institutes of Health T35 Grant. $4,072.
- Wright JM, Binnie WH, Cundiff EJ. Assessment of toluidine blue rinse as an aid to clinical exam in the identification of recurrent or secondary primary cancers of the oral cavity and in biopsy site selection in patients with previous oral/oropharyngeal and other upper aerodigestive tract squamous cell carcinoma. Protocol 2P-44389-01, Zila Pharmaceuticals, Inc., contract to provide oral pathology laboratory services. February 1, 1999.
- Binnie WH, Rees TD, Plemons JM, Rankin KV, Wright JM. AIDS Regional Education Training Center. Univ Texas Houston School of Public Health. July, 1998 - June, 1999. $15,000
- Binnie WH, Rees TD, Plemons JM, Rankin KV, Wright JM. AIDS Regional Education Training Center. Univ Texas Houston School of Public Health. July, 1997 - June, 1998. $15,000
- Binnie WH, Rees TD, Plemons JM, Rankin KV, Wright JM. AIDS Regional Education Training Center. Univ Texas Houston School of Public Health. July, 1996 - June, 1997. $15,000
- Plemons JM, Rees TD, Binnie WH, Rankin KV, Wright JM. A dose ranging study to evaluate the local effects of various dosage regimens of beclomethasone diproprionate on recurrent aphthous ulcers versus Kenalog7 in Orabase7. Protocol C-94-054-03. Alza Corporation, Palo Alto, California, October - December, 1995. $23,800
- Binnie WH, Rees TD, Plemons JM, Rankin KV, Wright JM. AIDS Regional Education Training Center. Univ Texas Houston School of Public Health. July, 1995 - June, 1996. $18,000
- Binnie WH, Rees TD, Plemons JM, Rankin KV, Wright JM. AIDS Regional Education Training Center. Univ Texas Houston School of Public Health. July, 1994 - June 1995. $15,000
- Plemons J, Rees TD, Binnie WH, Wright JM. Evaluation of Acemannan in providing pain relief in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Carrington Laboratories, Inc. Dallas, Texas. May, 1994 September 1994. $12,073
- Bellinger LL, Niessen LC, Wiggs RB, Wright JM, Guo IY, Tillberg C, Taylor JT. Preliminary safety testing of an electric flossing unit. Bausch & Lomb. December, 1993 February, 1994. $15,550
- Binnie WH, Rees TD, Plemons JM, Rankin KV, Wright JM. AIDS Regional Education Training Center. Univ Texas Houston School of Public Health. August, 1993 - June 1994. $10,000
- Binnie WH, Wright JM, Rees TD, Plemons J, Rankin KV. A phase I open label study to assess the safety and tolerance of the topical application of 5% Amlexanox paste for 28 days in patients with minor aphthous ulcers. Chemex Pharmaceuticals, Fort Lee, NJ. November, 1993 March, 1994. $71,300
- Binnie WH, Wright JM, Rees TD, Plemons J, Rankin KV. A phase I open label study to determine peak serum levels of amlexanox and its major metabolite after a single dose and 7 days of dosing with amlexanox paste for the treatment of minor aphthous ulcers. Chemex Pharmaceuticals, Fort Lee, NJ. August December, 1993. $20,400
- Rees TD, Binnie WH, Wright JM, Plemons J. An openlabel, pilot study of the efficacy of freezedried acemannan hydrogel in treatment of oral aphthous ulcers. Carrington Laboratories, Dallas, Texas. April September, 1993. $16,345
- Rees TD, Binnie WH, Wright JM, Plemons J. A comparative study of the efficacy of cemannan hydrogel and orabase in treatment of oral aphthous ulcers. Carrington Laboratories, Dallas, Texas. September, 1992 August, 1993. $32,691
- Rees TD, Binnie WH, Wright JM, Plemons J. A comparative study of the efficacy of acemannan hydrogel and Zilactin in treatment of herpes labialis. Carrington Laboratories, Dallas, Texas. September, 1992 August, 1993. $32,691
- Binnie WH, Wright JM, Rees TD, Plemons J, Rankin KV, AlHashimi I. A doubleblind, vehiclecontrolled study to evaluate the tolerance and efficacy of topically applied 5% amlexanox in the healing of minor aphthous ulcers. Chemex Pharmaceuticals, Fort Lee, New Jersey. September, 1992 August, 1993. $44,000
- Vallabh J, Wright JM. A study of the oral flora of dentulous patients making the transition to complete dentures. A quantitative study with respect to Candida species. College of Dentistry Student Research Fellowship. September, 1991 September, 1992. $1,600
- Binnie WH, Wright JM, Rees TD. A doubleblind, vehiclecontrolled, dose titration study to evaluate the tolerance and efficacy of topically applied 1% and 5% amlexanox in the treatment of aphthous ulcers. Chemex harmaceuticals, Inc. August, 1991. $23,000
- Miller EG, RiveraHidalgo F, Wright JM, Binnie WH, Gibson WA. A research initiative on the cancer chemopreventative agents in green coffee beans: Effects on DMBAinduced precancerous and cancerous lesions. The Hillcrest Foundation. March 198892. $64,000
- McWhorter K, Miller EG, RiveraHidalgo F, Wright J, Lam L. Effects of kahweol and cafestol palmitate on 7,12 dimethylbenz (a) anthraceneinduced oral cancers. Student Summer Research Fellowship. June September, 1987. $2,200
- Binnie WH, Rankin KV, Wright JM. A proposal to maintain and expand an oral disease registry. The Leonhardt Foundation, New York City, January 1, 1984 December 31, 1986. $46,269
- Formby, WA, Miller E, Rivera H, Wright J. Effects of green coffee beans on 7,12 dimethylbenz (a) anthracene (DMBA) induced oral cancers. Student Summer Research Fellowship. June August, 1986. $2,000
- Wright JM. A comparison of herpes simplex virus excretion in asymptomatic patients with and without previous recurrent herpetic infections. College of Dentistry Intramural Research Funds. June August, 1985. $1,320
- Flint D, Wright JM. A comparison of herpes simplex virus excretion in asymptomatic patients with and without previous recurrent herpetic infections. Student Summer Research Fellowship. June August, 1985. $2,000
- Velazquez B, Miller E, Wright J, Rivera H. Studies on the effect of dietary nicotinamide and maminobenzamine on the development of oral cancers. Student Summer Research Fellowship. June August,1985. $1,999
Selected Publications
Refereed Papers
- Lee AM, Wright JM. What to know about monkeypox. TDA Today 2022; 23:1 By Invitation Soluk Tekkesin M, Wright JM. The World Health Organization Classification of Odontogenic
- Patel PB, Wright JM, Chang PP. Peripheral ossifying fibroma. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month. Texas Dent J 2016; 133: 286-7; 310-11.
- Allon I, Lammert KM, Iwase R, Spears R, Wright JM, Naidu A. Localized juvenile spongiotic gingival hyperplasia possibly originates from the junctional gingival epithelium-an immunohistochemical study. Histopathology 2016; 68:549 555.
- Qari H, Hamao-Sakamoto A, Fuselier C, Cheng LYC, Kessler H, Wright J. Phosphaturic Mesenchymal tumor: 2 new oral cases and review of 53 cases in the head and neck. Head Neck Pathol 2015 DOI 10.100/s12105-015-0668-3
- Malik BH, Jabbour JM, Cheng S, Cuenca R; Cheng Y-S L, Wright J, Jo JA, Maitland K. A novel multimodal optical imaging system for early detection of oral cancer. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2016; 121: 290-300.
- Cheng YSL, Rees T, Wright J. Updates regarding diagnostic adjuncts for oral squamous Cell carcinoma. Texas Dent J 2015; 132:536-49
- Cheng YS L, Liang H, Wright JM, Teenier T. Multiple Orthokeratinized Odontogenic Cysts: A Case Report. Head and Neck Pathol 2015 9:153–157
- Bhattacharya A, Wright J, Hadavand RR. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month. Cherubism. Texas Dent J 2015; 132:100; 138-9.
- Fonseca FP, Brierley D, Wright JM, Santos-Silva AR, Almeida OP, Rocha AC, Van Heerden, Hunter KD. Polymorphous Low-Grade Adenocarcinoma of the Upper Lip: 11 cases of an Uncommon Diagnosis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2015; 119:566-71.
- Parfitt J, Harris M, Wright JM, Kalamchi S. Tumor Suppressor Gene Mutation in a Patient with a History of Hyperparathyroidism Jaw Tumor Syndrome (HPT-JT) and Healed Generalized Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica. A Case Report and Genetic Pathophysiology Review. JOMaxillofac Surg 2015: 73: 194.e1-194.e9.
- Wright JM, Odell EW, Speight PM, Takata T. Odontogenic Tumors, WHO 2005: Where do we go from here? Head and Neck Pathol 2014; 8: 373-82.
- Chi A, Wright JM. An update on gnathic pathology. Head and Neck Pathol 2014; 8: 371-2.
- Shuna Cheng, Rodrigo M Cuenca, Boang Liu, Bilal H Malik, Joey M Jabbour, Kristen C Maitland, John Wright, Yi-Shing Lisa Cheng, Javier A Jo. Handheld multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging system for in vivo applications. Biomedical Optics Express. 03/2014; 5(3):921-31. DOI:10.1364/BOE.5.000921
- Cheng, LY-S, Rees T, Wright J. A review of research on salivary biomarkers for oral cancer detection. Clinical and Translational Medicine 2014, 3:3-13.
- JM Jabbour, BH Malik, C Olsovsky, R Cuenca, S Cheng, JA Jo, YSL Cheng, JM Wright and KC Maitland. Optical axial scanning in confocal microscope using an electronically tunable lens. Biomedical Optics Express 2014; 5:645-52.
- Qari H, Ghali GE, Williams TA, Wright JM. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of The Month. Central giant cell granuloma. Texas Dent J 2014; 131:16-7, 72-3.
- Hunter K, Speight P, Wright J, van Heerden W, Rich A, Franklin C. An international survey of specialty training in oral and maxillofacial pathology. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol Med. 2014; 43:232-36.
- Cheng S, Rico-Jiminez, Jabbour J, Malik B, Maitland K, Wright J, Cheng L, Jo J. Flexible endoscope for continuous in vivo multispectral fluorescence lifetime Imaging. Reprinted from Optics Letters in Virtual J of Biomed Optics 2013; Vol 8.
- Pugalagiri P, Muller S, Cox D, Kessler HP, Wright JM, Cheng Y-SL. Lymphangioma-like Kaposi sarcoma of the oral mucosa. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2013; 116:84-90.
- Naidu A, Kovach TA, Wright JM, Schow SR. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the month. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Texas Dent J 2013;130: 286,362-3.
- S. Cheng, J. J. Rico-Jimenez, J. Jabbour, B. Malik, K. C. Maitland, J. Wright, Y. S. L. Cheng, and J. A. Jo, Flexible endoscope for continuous in vivo multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging, Optics Letters; 2013, 38: 1515-1517,
- Jabbour JM, Cheng S, Malik BH, Cuenca R, Jo JA, Wright J, Cheng Y-S L, Maitland KC. Fluorescence lifetime imaging and reflectance confocal microscopy for multiscale imaging of oral precancer J Biomed Optics 2013; 18: 046012 1-10 [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.4.046012]
- Bhattacharya A, Crossland JA, Wright JM. Necrotizing sialometaplasia. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month. Texas Dent J 2013:130:124-5,148-9.
- Mansour MJ, He C, Al-Farra ST, Khuder S, Wright JM, Kessler HP, Hinton RJ, Al-Hashimi I. Sarcoidosis and Sjogren’s syndrome. A comparison of electrophoretic profiles of salivary proteins. J Oral Pathol Med 2013: 8: 594-99.
- Hutcheson C, Seale NS, McWhorter A, Kerins C, Wright J. Multisurface composite vs stainless steel crown restorations after mineral trioxide aggregate pulpotomy: A Randomized controlled trial. Pediatric Dentistry 2012; 34:460-67.
- Kempton J, Wright JM, Kerins C, Hale D. Misdiagnosis of erythema multiforme: A literature review and case report. Pediatr Dent 2012; 34:337-42
- Budinskaya OV, Kontogiorgos ED, Brownlee M, Lee JS, Budinskya A, Dechow PC, Wright, JM, Svoboda KK, Opperman LA. Vacuum-induced suction stimulates increased numbers of blood vessels in dog gingiva. Wounds 2012; 24:99-109.
- Naidu A, Fuentes RS, Wright JM. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month. Chondroblastic osteosarcoma. Texas Dent J 2012; 129: 386-7,414-15.
- Hutton BS, Kalamchi S, Wright JM. An incidentally discovered radiolucency in the posterior mandible. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2012; 113:17-20.
- Kim D, Ghali G, Wright JM, Edwards SP. Surgical treatment of giant fibrous dysplasia of the mandible with concomitant craniofacial involvement. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012; 70:102-18.
- Naidu A, Wright JM. The role of Human Papilloma Virus in oropharyngeal carcinoma. J Mich Dent Assoc. 93:44-48, 2011. (Reprinted with permission of TDJ.)
- Naidu A, Wright JM. The role of Human Papilloma Virus in oropharyngeal carcinoma. Texas Dental J 128:447-54, 2011.
- Naidu A, Havard DB, Ray JM, Wright JM. Kaposis sarcoma. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month. Texas Dent J 128:376-7; 382-3, 201
- Cheng Y-S L, Wright JM. Advances in diagnostic adjuncts for oral squamous cell carcinoma. Open Pathol J 5:1-5, 2011.
- Cairns L, Naidu A, Robinson CM, Sloan P, Wright JM, Hunter KD. CD56 (NCAM) expression in ameloblastomas and other odontogenic lesions. Histopath 57:544-8 2010.
- Cheng Y-SL, Wright JM, Lucente J. Verruciform Xanthoma. Oral and maxillofacial pathology case of the month. Texas Dent J 127:126-7, 130-1, 2010.
- O’Regan EM, Vanguri V, Allen C, Eversole LR, Wright JM, Woo S-B. Solitary fibrous tumor of the oral cavity: Clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 21 cases. H & N Path J. Published online March, 2009.
- Chang JYF, Stewart J-M, Cheng LY-S, Wright JM. Upper lip nodule/Merkel cell carcinoma. Oral Surg, Oral Med, Oral Pathol, Oral Radiol, Endod 104:549-53, 2008.
- Miller EG, Peacock JJ, Bourland TC, Taylor SE, Wright JM. Inhibition of oral carcinogenesis by citrus flavinoids. Nutrition and Cancer 60:69-74, 2008.
- Chang JYF, Wright JM, Svoboda K. Signal transduction pathways involved in epithelial-mesenchymal transition in oral cancer compared with other cancers. Cells Tissues Organs. 185:40-7, 2007.
- Mansour MJ, Al-Hashimi I, Wright JM. Coexistence of Sjogren’s Syndrome and sarcoidosis. A report of five cases. J Oral Pathol Med. 36:337-41, 2007.
- Cheng SL, Kessler H, Wright J, Huang E, Lin J-R, Lin L-M, Chen Y-K. Salivary gland malignancy with divergent differentiation, is it a teratocarcinosarcoma? Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 104:82-88, 2007.
- Wright JM. Diagnosis and management of oral lichenoid reactions. CDA Journal 35:412-416, 2007.
- Harper-Mallonee L, Wright JM, Allen CM. Oral and Maxillofacial pathology case of the month. Erosion secondary to bulimia nervosa. Texas Dental J 123:976, 980-1, 2006.
- Tricamo MB, Rees T, Hallmon WW, Wright J, Cueva M, Plemons J. Periodontal status in patients with gingival mucous membrane pemphigoid. J Periodontol 77: 398-405, 2006 .
- Naidu A, Wright JM. Oral and maxillofacial pathology case of the month. Lichen planus. Texas Dent J 123:218-9, 222-4, 2006
- Cheng Y-S L, Wright JM. Oral and maxillofacial pathology case of the month. Focalcemento-osseous dysplasia. Texas Dent J 122: 986-7, 990-1, 2005.
- Swift JC, Rees TD, Plemons JM, Hallmon WM, Wright JM. The effectiveness of 1% pimecrolimus cream in the treatment of oral erosive lichen planus. J Periodontol 76: 627-35, 2005.
- Chang JYF, Wright JM. Oral and maxillofacial pathology case of the month. Verruca vulgaris. Texas Dent J, 122:107,114-15, 2005.
- Lin C-C, Chen C-H, Wright JM, Kessler HP, Cheng Y-SL, Ellis E. Calcifying odontogenic cyst with ameloblastic fibroma: Report of three cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 98:451-60, 2004.
- Naidu A, Wright JM, Finn M. Case of the month. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Texas Dent J 1211:529, 36-7, 2004.
- Liang H, Costa C, Frederikson N, Wright JM. Phleboliths in the infratemporal fossa presenting as an intramaxillary lesion. A Revista Cientifica da Radiol Odontolog Brasileira 5:47-9, 2004.
- Wright JM. Case of the month. Snuff dippers keratosis. Texas Dent J 120:1181, 1186-7, 2003.
- Wright JM, Vincent SD, McClatchey KD, Muller S, Budnick SD, Murrah VA. The future of oral pathology. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 96:176-86, 2003.
- Muller S, Wright JM. Survey of residents and recent postgraduates of oral and maxillofacial pathology programs: Results of the Long Range Planning Committee Survey. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 96:178- 81, 2003.
- Cheng Y-SL, Wright JM. Periapical lymphoma. Texas Dent J 120:497-500, 2003.
- Wright JM. Case of the month. Melanotic macule. Texas Dent J 120:446,453, 2003.
- Simmons ME, Wright JM. Case of the month. Acute Pseudomembranous Candidiasis secondary to topical corticosteroid use. Texas Dent J 119:1138,1144, 2002.
- Cheng Y-SL, Wright JM, Walstadt WR, Finn MD. Osteosarcoma arising in Paget's disease of the mandible. Oral Oncol 38:785-92, 2002.
- Wright JM. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Case of the Month. Lateral periodonal cyst. Texas Dent 119:355, 379, 2002.
- Cheng Y-SL, Wright JM, Walstadt WR, Finn MD. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor showing microscopic features of potential malignant behavior. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 93:287-95,2002.
- Throndson RR, Wright JM, Watkins D. Atypical histiocytic granuloma. An oral mucosal pseudolymphoma simulating malignancy. Oral Maxillofac Surg 59:822- 6, 01.
- Al-Hashimi I, Wright JM, Cooley CA, Nunn M. Reproducibility of biopsy grade at various depths of labial salivary glands in Sjogren's syndrome. J Oral Pathol Med 30:408-12,01.
- Wright JM. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Case of the Month. Pleomorphic adenoma. Texas Dent J 118: 474, 479, 2001.
- Wright JM, Binnie WH, Cheng Y-S L. Oral cancer and precancer. Dental News 8:29- 34, 01.
- Wright JM. A review and update of intraoral lichen planus. Texas Dent J 118: 450-54, 2001.
- Cheng L, Rees TD, Wright JM, Plemons JM. Childhood oral pemphigoid. A case report and review of the Literature: J Oral Pathol Med 30:372-7, 2001.
- Alexander RE, Wright JM, Thieband S. Basic tenets of following suspicious lesions: A suggested protocol for evaluating, documenting and following oral pathologic conditions. J Amer Dent Assoc 132:329-35, 2001.
- Wright JM. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Case of the Month. Peripheral odontogenic (ossifying) fibroma. Texas Dent J 117:62, 69, 2000.
- Harrel SK, Wright JM. Successful treatment of cemental tear associated periodontal destruction with minimally invasive surgery. J Periodontol 71:1761-6, 2000.
- Wright JM. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Case of the month. Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid. Texas Dent J 116:36, 78-9. 1999.
- Wright JM. A review and update of oral precancerous lesions. Oral Health 89:15-17, 1999.
- Wright JM. Reactive, dysplastic and neoplastic conditions of periodontal ligament origin. Periodontol 2000 21: 7-15,1999.
- Wright JM. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Case of the month. Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia. Texas Dent J 116: 20,60, 1999.
- Wright JM. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Case of the month. Lichen planus. Texas Dent J 115:42-3;80-1, 1998.
- Wright JM. A review and update of oral precancerous lesions. Texas Dent J 115:15-19, 1998
- Najera MP, Al-Hashimi I, Plemons JM, Rivera-Hildalgo F, Rees TD, Haghighat N, Wright JM. Prevalence of periodontal disease in patients with Sjogren's syndrome. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 83:453-57, 1997.
- Smith SD, Iacopino AM, Rees TD, Miller EG, Wright JM. The effects of platelet- derived growth factor-BB and Insulin-like growth factor-1 on epithelial dysplasia. J Periodontal 67:1224-32, 1996
- Hasegawa TK, Matthews M, Wright JM. Ethical dilemma. Is it Cancer? Texas Dent J 113 (7):45-49, 1996.
- Hasegawa TK, Matthews M, Wright JM. Bad news bearers. Response to ethical d dilemma #33. Texas Dent J 113 (10):32-34, 1996.
- Wright JM, Radman WP. Intrabony lymphoma simulating periradicular inflammatory disease. J Amer Dent Assoc 126:101-5, 1995.
- Plemons JM, Rees TD, Binnie WH, Wright JM. Evaluation of Acemannan in the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Wounds, 6:4045, 1994.
- Wright JM. Oral premalignant lesions and conditions. Sem Dermatol. 13:12531, 1994.
- Miller EG, GonzalesSanders AP, Couvillon AM, Wright JM, Hasegawa S, Lam LKT, Sunahara GI. Inhibition of oral carcinogenesis by green coffee beans and limonoid glucosides. ACS Symposium Series 546. Food Phytochemicals for Cancer Chemoprevention I. Amer Chemical Soc, Washington DC, 220229, 1994.
- Lovas JGL, Daley TD, Kaugars GE, Wright JM. Errors in the diagnosis of oral malignancies. J Can Dent Assoc. 59:9358, 1993.
- Muench MG, Layton S, Wright JM. Pyogenic granuloma associated with a natal tooth: A case report. Ped Dent 14:2657, 1992.
- Lamey PJ, Rees TD, Binnie WH, Wright JM, Rankin KV, Simpson NB. Oral presentation of pemphigus vulgaris and its response to systemic steroid therapy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 74:547, 1992.
- Miller EG, GonzalesSanders AP, Couvillon AM, Wright JM, Hasegawa S, Luke KTL. Inhibition of hamster pouch carcinogenesis by lamonin 17BDglucopyranoside. Nutr Cancer 17:17, 1992.
- Miller EG, McWhorter K, RiveraHidalgo F, Wright JM, Lam LKT. Kahweol and cafestol: Inhibitors of hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis. Nutr Cancer 15: 146, 1991.
- Neupert EA, Wright JM. Odontodisplasia regional que se presenta como una tumefaccion del tejido blando. ClinicalO 2:4850, 1989.
- Neupert EA, Wright JM, Zide MF. Regional odontodysplasia presenting as a soft tissue swelling. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 67:1936, 1989.
- Finney DS, Rees TD, Wright JM, Blanton PL. Solitary eosinophilic Granuloma (Histiocytosis X) of the gingiva. J Periodontol 59:45760, 1988.
- Miller EG, Formby WA, RiveraHidalgo F, Wright JM. Inhibition of hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis by green coffee beans. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 65:74549, 1988.
- Wright JM. Intraoral melanoacanthoma. A reactive melanocytic hyperplasia. J Periodontol 59:5355, 1988.
- Wilson TG, Wright JM. NonHodgkin's lymphoma of the gingiva. Review of the literature. Report of a case. J Periodontol 57:15558, 1986.
- McMechen DL, Wright JM. A protocol for the management of patients with herpetic infections. Dent Hyg 59:54648, 1985.
- Levin LS, Wright JM, Byrd DL, Greenway GD, Dorst JP, Irani RN, Pyeritz RE, Young RJ, Lapsia CL. Osteogenesis imperfecta with unusual skeletal lesions: Report of three families. Amer J Med \Genetics 21:25769, 1985.
- Rankin KV, Wood CJ, Wright JM. Leukoplakia in Texas. Texas Dent J 102:46, 1985.Wilcox PB, Wright JM, Byrd RL. Metastatic neuroblastoma to the jaws Report of two cases. J Dent Child 51:21114, 1984.
- Wright JM, Taylor PP, Allen EP, Byrd RL. A review of the oral manifestations of infections in pediatric patients. Ped Infect Dis 3:8088, 1984.
- Wright JM, Binnie WH, Byrd DL, Dunsworth AR. Intraoral melanoacanthoma. J Periodontol 54:10711, 1983.
- Wright JM, Dunsworth AR. Follicular lymphoid hyperplasia of the hard palate. A benign lymphoproliferative process. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 55:16268, 1983.
- Wright JM, Rankin KV, Wilson JW. Traumatic granuloma of the tongue. Head and Neck Surg 5:36366, 1983.
- Wright JM. The odontogenic keratocyst: Orthokeratinized variant. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 51:60918, 1981.
- Wright JM, Balcinuas BA, Muus JH. Mycosis fungoides with oral manifestations: Case report and review of the literature. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 51:2431, 1981.
- Wright JM. Squamous odontogenic tumorlike proliferations in odontogenic cysts. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 47:35458, 1979.
- Wright JM. The A and B blood group substances on odontogenic epithelium. J Dent Res 58:62428, 1979.
Non-refereed Papers
- Wright JM. A clinical pathology conference. A red and white lesion of the tongue. Baylor Dent J 35:7,18, 1991.
- Wright JM. Baylor Dental Week II in Costa Rica. Baylor Dent J 34:1011, 1990.Wright JM, Ba rnes GP. Why do students choose to attend College of Dentistry. Baylor Dent J 34:14, 1990.
- Wright JM. Clinicopathologic conference. Recurrent intraoral herpetic infection. Baylor Dent J 30:8, 29, 1986.
- Wright JM. Clinicopathologic conference. Leukoplakia. Baylor Dent J 29:21, 30, 1985
- Wright JM. Herpes infections. The Daily Campus, Southern Methodist University. Friday, March 15, 1985.
- Wright JM. Oral manifestations of drug reactions. Baylor Dent J 28:2628, 1984.
- Wright JM, Allen JW. Clinicopathologic conference, Case III. The peripheral odontogenic fibroma. Baylor Dent J 28:9, 46, 1984.
- Allen JW, Wright JM. Clinicopathologic conference, Case II. Ameloblastoma. Baylor Dent J 27:37, 43, 1981.
- Wright JM, Allen JW. Clinicopathologic conference, Case I. Odontogenic keratocyst. Baylor Dent J 27:36, 42, 1981.
Review Articles
- Wright JM. Review of Milchgrub S, Gnepp DR, Vuitch F, Delgado R, Albores-Saavedra J. Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma of salivary gland. Am J Surg Path 18:74-82, 1994. In Adv Anat Pathol 1:150-2, 1994.
- Wright JM. Review of Seymour RA. Calcium channel blockers and gingival overgrowth, Br Dent J 1991, 170:376-9. In Dent Study Club 1:13, 1992.
Books Authored
- Faquin WL, Bishop J, Thompson LD, Lewis J, Muller S, Wright JM. AFIP fascicle series of head and neck pathology. In Press
- McLean AC, Almaziad A, Wright JM. Survival Guide to Oral Pathology. In Press
- Cawson RA. Binnie WH, Barrett AW, Wright JM. Pathologia Orale. Correlazioni clinicale e pathologiche, Terza edizione. Medicina – scienze. Edizione Italiana, Elsevier Limited, 2002.
- Cawson RA. Binnie WH, Barrett AW, Wright JM. Oral Diseases. 3rd ed. Mosby Harcourt Health Sciences, Edinburgh, UK, 2001, 1-393.
- Cawson RA, Binnie WH, Speight P, Barrett W, Wright JM. Lucas’ Pathology of Tumors of the Oral Tissues, 5th ed. Churchill Livingstone, London, 1998, 1-427 (Received literary award. Highly commended by the Medical Writers Group of the Society of Authors, Royal Society of Medicine).
- Wright BA, Wright JM, Binnie WH. Oral Cancer: Clinical and Pathological Considerations. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL., 1988, 1-186.
Book Chapters
- Wright JM, Chi A. Odontogenic sarcomas. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours. 5th IARC, Lyon. 2022, p
- Wright JM. Odontogenic carcinosarcoma. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours, 5th IARC, Lyon. 2022, p
- Wright JM, Soluk Tekkesin M. Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst. WHO Classification of Head And Neck Tumours. 5th IARC, Lyon. 2022, p
- Wright JM, Li T_J. Odontogenic keratocyst. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours. 5th IARC, Lyon. 2022, p
- Hall G, Wright JM. Bone Lesions. In: Gnepp DR, Bishop JA. Gnepp’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck. 3rd Elsevier, 2020, pp 689-742.
- Wright JM. White lesions. In: Delong L, Burkhart NW. General and Oral Pathology.
- Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2019, p332-51
- Speight P, Wright JM. Nasopalatine Duct Cyst. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours 4th IARC, Lyon. 2017, p214
- Wright JM. The Odontogenic Sarcomas. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours. IARC, Lyon. 2017, p214
- Wright JM, Kusama K. Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumour. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours 4th IARC, Lyon. 2017, p221-22
- Wright JM, Devilliers P, Hille J. Squamous Odontogenic Tumour. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours 4th IARC, Lyon, 2017, p219-20
- Wright JM, Devilliers P. Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumour. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours 4th IARC, Lyon. 2017, p220-21
- Speight P, Devilliers P, Li T-J, Odell EW, Wright JM. Odontogenic Keratocyst. WHO
- Classification of Head and Neck Tumours 4th IARC, Lyon. 2017, p235-36
- Speight P, Ledesma-Montes C, Wright JM. Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst. WHO
- Classification of Head and Neck Tumours 4th IARC, Lyon. 2017, p239-40
- El-Mofty SK, Nelson B, Toyosawa S, Wright JM. Cemento-osseous Dysplasia. WHO
- Classification of Head and Neck Tumours 4th IARC, Lyon. 2017, p254-56
- Raubenheimer E, Altini M, van Heerden WFP, Wright JM. Simple Bone Cyst. WHO
- Classification of Head and Neck Tumours 4th IARC, Lyon. 2017, p259-60
- Wright JM. White lesions. In: Delong L, Burkhart NW. General and Oral Pathology.
- Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2nd, 2013, p342-60.
- Wright JM, Kessler HP, Cheng L. Mucosal and related dermatologic diseases. In: Peterson’s Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Elsevier, 2011.
- Wright JM. White lesions. In Delong L, Burkhart NW. General and Oral Pathology. Lippincott Williams and Wilkens, 2008, p. 342-60.
- Wright JM. Reactive and neoplastic lesions of the periodontium. In: Wilson TG, Kornman KS, Fundamentals of Periodontics. 2nd ed. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc., Chicago, 2003
- Binnie WH, Wright JM. Dental Drug Reference Electronic Image Collection, CD-ROM. In Gage TW, Pickett FA. Mosby’s Dental Drug Reference, 6th ed. Mosby, St. Louis, 1-896, 2002
- Wright JM. Reactive and neoplastic lesions of the periodontium. In: Wilson TG, Kornman KS, Fundamentals of Periodontics. 429-35, Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc., Chicago, 1996
- Wright JM. Cementum disorders and osteodystrophies. In: Newman HN, Rees TD, Kinane DF. Diseases of the Periodontium. 271-89, Science Reviews Limited, Northwood, 1993.
- Wright JM, Wright BA. Premalignancy, 33-35. In: Wright BA, Wright JM, Binnie WH. Oral Cancer: Clinical and Pathological considerations. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL 1988.
- Wright BA, Wright JM. Clinical and histological aspects, 57-76. In: Wright BA, Wright JM, Binnie WH. Oral Cancer: Clinical and Pathological considerations. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL 1988.
- Wright JM, O’Brien JC, Lieberman ZH, Bradfield JS, Mennel RG. Treatment of oral cancer, 89-126. In: Wright BA, Wright JM, Binnie WH. Oral Cancer: Clinical and Pathological considerations. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL 1988.
- Wright JM, Barton FE, Byrd DL, Dahl EW, Bradfield JS, Mennel RG. Complications of the treatment of oral cancer: Prevention, diagnosis and management, 127-154. In: Wright BA, Wright JM, Binnie WH. Oral Cancer: Clinical and Pathological considerations. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, FL 1988.
- Wright JM, Taylor PP. Infections of the oral cavity. In: Nelson JD, ed. Current Therapy in Pediatric Infectious Disease. 23-28. BC Decker Inc., Philadelphia, 1988.
- Binnie WH, Wright JM. Oral mucosal disease in the elderly. In: Cohen B, Thomson H, eds. Dental Care for the Elderly. 40-79. London: William Heinemann Medical Books, Ltd. 1985.
- Wright JM. Orale manifestationen von uberempfindlichkeitsreaktionen. In: Gage T, ed., Pharmakologiemedikamentoise Therapie. 142-159. Stuttgart, Germany, Medica Verlag, 1985.
- Wright JM. Manifestacioes bucais das reacoes das drogas. In: Gage T, ed., Clinicas Odontologicas da America do Norte. 149-164, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Livraria Roca Ltda., 1985.
- Wright JM. Oral manifestations of drug reactions. In: Gage T, ed. Dental Clinics of North America Symposium on Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 28:529-43.
- McLean-Holden AC; Feng JQ; Svoboda KKH; Umorin M; Wright JM; Cheng YSL.
- Brachyury expression is not found in spindle cell carcinoma of the head and neck, not in
- squamous cell carcinoma. AAOMP 2020
- Javier Jo; Rodrigo Cuenca; Elvis Duran; Shuna Cheng; Bilal Malik; Kristen Maitland; John
- Wright; Lisa Cheng; Beena Ahmed. Autofluorescence Lifetime Endoscopy for Early
- Detection of Oral Dysplasia and Cancer. Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference
- (LAOP), Lima, Peru. 12-15 November 2018.
- Javier Antonio Jo, Shuna Cheng, Rodrigo Cuenca, Elvis Duran, Bilal Malik, Beena Ahmed,
- Kristen Maitland, Yi-Shing Cheng, John Wright, #1664 Endogenous Fluorescence Lifetime
- Imaging (FLIM) Endoscopy for Early Detection of Oral Cancer and Dysplasia. 40th
- International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Honolulu, HI, July 18, 2018.
- El-Mofty SK, Nelson B, Toyosawa S, Wright JM. Cemento-osseous Dysplasia. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours 4th ed. IARC, Lyon. 2017, p254-56
- Raubenheimer E, Altini M, van Heerden WFP, Wright JM. Simple Bone Cyst. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours 4th ed. IARC, Lyon. 2017, p259-60
- Wright JM. White lesions. In: Delong L, Burkhart NW. General and Oral Pathology. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2nd ed., 2013, p342-60.
- Wright JM, Kessler HP, Cheng L. Mucosal and related dermatologic diseases. In: Peterson’s Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Elsevier, 2011.
- Khavandgar Z, Kessler H, Wright J. EBV-associated mucocutaneous ulceration in an immunosuppressed patient. 2016
- Patel P, Cheng YL, Wright J, Kessler H. Progression of oral mucosal melanoma: a report of two cases and review of the literature. 2016
- Qari H, Hamao-Sakamoto A, Cheng L, Wright J. Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor-Mixed connective tissue variant of the gingiva. 2015
- Patel PB, Wright J, Kessler H. The evolving anomaly of “Multiple calcifying hyperplastic dental follicles. 2015
- Koutlas I. Su A, Argyris P, Li X, Nelson A, Wright J, Lingen M, Aldape B, Tapia J, McNamara K, Lanzel D, Hellstein J, Binder S, Gopalakrishnan R. Delineation of the molecular characteristics of so-called juvenile gingival keratoacanthomas (GKA) or juvenile gingival pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (GPEH) by microarrays and probable implication of HPV 11. 2015
- Naidu A, Lammert K, Iwase R, Spears R, Allon I, Wright J. Localized juvenile spongiotic gingival hyperplasia originates from junctional gingival epithelium. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. St Augustine, Fl 2014
- Koutlas I, Lingen M, Binder S, Gopalakrishnan R, Argyris P, Li X, Wright J. Are atypical juvenile gingival epithelial hyperplasias (juvenile gingival keratoacanthomas) really squamous cell carcinomas and vice versa? Contradictory clinical and molecular findings. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, St Augustine, Fl. 2014
- Bhattacharya A, Fantasia J, Carlos R, Pires F, Miller R, Wright J. Primary mucus producing papillary adenocarcinoma of salivary gland origin. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. St Augustine, Fl. 2014
- B Malik, J Jabbour, S Cheng, R Cuenca, J Jo, J Wright, Y Cheng, K Maitland Macro- and Microscopic optical imaging towards diagnosis of oral epithelial dysplasia. Presented at the Annual meeting of the AAOMP, Portland, OR. 2013
- Cheng Y-SL, Wright JM, Teenier T. Multiple orthokeratiinized odontogenic keratocysts in a twenty-three year old man. Preseented at the annual meeting of the AAOMP, Portland OR. 2013
- Lammert KM, Spears R, Wright JM, Naidu A. Cytokeratin expression in Localized Juvenile Spongiotic gingival hyperplasia. Poster 941. IADR,AADR, 2012
- Cheng YSL, Ren J, Wright JM, Feng J. Expression of osterix and periostinin in cemento-Osseous dysplasia as evidence for it PDL origin. Presented at the annual meeting of the AAOMP in Minneapolis, MN 2012
- Chang J, Wright J, Kessler H, D’Sousa R, Wang F. Fibroblast growth factor signaling in mouse odontogenic epithelial stem cells. Presented at annual meeting of AAOMP, San Juan, Puerto Rico., 2011.
- Mansour M, He C, Al-Farra S, Khuder S, Wright J, Kessler H, Hinton R, Al-Hashimi I. Sarcoidosis and Sjögren’s syndrome: A comparison of salivary electrophoretic profiles. IADR 2011, Abst#1342. []
- Balarsky M, Wright J, Miller R, Khuder S, And Al-Hashimi I. Evaluation of minor salivary glands for amyloidosis and Sjögren’s syndrome. IADR 2011, Abst#1340. []
- Franklin CD, Hunter K, Wright JM, Carlos R, van Heerden W, Rich A. An international survey of specialty training in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. 15th International Congress on Oral Pathology and Medicine. 2010 Seoul, Korea.
- Naidu A, Opperman L, Kramer P, Wright J. The effects of bisphosphonates on gene expression in osteoblasts. Presented at annual meeting of AAOMP, Montreal, Canada and published, 2009.
- Mansour M, Cheng Y, Wright JM. Histopathological features of cytomegalovirus infection of the oral mucosa. Presented at annual meeting of AAOMP, San Francisco, CA and published at, 2008.
- Wright JM, Chang J, Binnie W, Kessler H. Juvenile inflammatory papillary gingival hyperplasia – a new entity. Presented at the annual meeting of the AAOMP, Kansas City, MO, and abstract published at, 2007.
- Naidu A, Spears RD, Dechow PC, Wright JM, Kessler HP, Opperman LA. The effects of bisphosphonates on osteoblasts in vitro. Presented at the annual meeting of the AAOMP, Kansas City, MO, and abstract published at, 2007.
- Chen Y, Cheng Y, Kessler H, Wright J. A 60 year old male with four poorly differentiated malignancies in the head and neck region within eight years. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 100:189, 2005.
- Cheng Y-SL, Kusek J, Wright J. Aromatase expression in oral mucosa and squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 98:195, 2004.
- Cheng Y-SL, Wright JM, Walstadt WR, Finn MD. Osteosarcoma arising in Paget’s disease of the mandible. Association of Oral Pathology – Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan.April 30, 2001
- Cheng L, Rees T, Wright J. Oral pemphigoid in an eight year old girl. American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Williamsburg, VA. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 90:492, 2000). May 1, 2001
- Cooley CA, Wright JM, Nunn M, Al-Hashimi I. Comparison of the intensity of lymphocytic infiltration at various depths of labial salivary gland biopsy in Sjogren’s Syndrome. IADR, Washington, D.C. (J Dent Res 79:260, 2000).
- Taylor SE, Haghighat N, Holmes-Marshal J, Sokolowski T, Wright J, Al-Hashimi I. Effect of radiation on mucin secretion by rat submandibular gland. (J Dent Res 76:99, 1997).
- Plemons J, Rees T, Binnie W, Wright J. Pain relief evaluation of carrasyn hydrogel for recurrent aphthous stomatitis. IADR, Singapore (J Dent Res 74: 453, 1995.)
- Rankin KV, Rees TD, Binnie WH, Plemons JM, Wright JM, Brimlow DL. At ease with AIDS. AADS, San Antonio, TX (J Dent Edu 59:337, 1995)
- Lovas JGL, Daley TD, Kaugars GE, Wright JM. Oral cancer cases illustrate danger of delayed diagnosis. Dent Abstr 39:94, 1994.
- AlHashimi I, Dickinson DP, Wright JM. Analysis of gene expression in human minor salivary glands. IADRAADR, Chicago, Illinois (J Dent Res 72:210, 1993)
- Gage TW, Frazier LW, Wright JM. Oral soft tissue response to topically applied peroxide tooth whitener. IADR, Glasgow, Scotland (J Dent Res 72:585, 1992)
- Lynn DB, RiveraHidalgo F, Wagner M, Hurt WC, Babler J, Wright JM. Regeneration of furcation defects with GoreTex membranes. IADRAADR, Acapulco, Mexico (J Dent Res 70:507, 1991)
- Miller EG, Manek SJ, Wright JM, GonzalesSanders AP, Couvillon AM. Isolation of glutathione Stransferase from buccal pouch epithelial cells. IADRAADR, Acapulco, Mexico (J Dent Res 70:548, 1991)
- GonzalesSanders AP, Miller EG, Couvillon AM, Wright JM, Hasegawa S, Lam LKT. Limonin glucoside: An inhibitor of oral carcinogenesis. IADRAADR, Acapulco, Mexico (J Dent Res 70:594, 1991)
- Miller EG, McWhorter K, RiveraHidalgo F, Wright JM, Sunahara GI, Hirsbrunner P. Kahweol and Cafestol: Inhibitors of Oral Carcinogenesis. IADR, Dublin, Ireland (J Dent Res 68:1000, 1989) (Abstract #1066)
- Chao LS, Hinton RJ, Babler WJ, Wright JM, Waite DE. Autogenous Dermal Graft as a TMJ Disc Replacement in Rabbits. AADR, San Francisco, California (J Dent Res 68:309, 1989) (Abstract #1024)
- McWhorter K, Miller EG, RiveraHidalgo F, Wright JM, Lam LKT. Kahweol and Cafestol Effects on Oral Cancer. IADRAADR, Montreal, Canada. (J Dent Res 67:338, 1988)
- Formby WA, Miller EG, RiveraHidalgo F and Wright JM: Green Coffee Beans Effects on Oral Carcinogenesis in the Hamster. IADRAADR, Chicago, Illinois (J Dent Res 66:159, 1987) (Abstract #423)
- Miller EG, Williams FE and Wright JM: Nicotinamide and 3Methoxybenzamide Effects on DMBA Induced Salivary Gland Tumors. IADRAADR, Chicago, Illinois. (J Dent Res 66:144, 1987) (Abstract #304)
- Miller EG, Williams FE and Wright JM: Studies on the Utilization of Nicotinamide and 3Methoxybenzamide as Modulators of Tumorigenesis. American Society for Microbiology and Louisiana Biochemistry Society. Shreveport, Louisiana. (Abstract D24)
- Wright JM and Binnie WH: Intraoral Melanoacanthoma, A Reactive Melanocytic Hyperplasia. Biennial Congress of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the British Society for Oral Pathology. Edinburgh, Scotland. (Abstract #79)
- Miller EG, Velazquez BM, RiveraHidalgo F and Wright JM:Effects of Dietary Nicotinamide and 3Methoxybenzamide on DMBAInduced Hamster Buccal Pouch Carcinogenesis. IADRAADR Washington, DC (J Dent Res 65:276, 1986) (Abstract #965)
- Wright JM, Levin LS, Byrd DL, Greenway GD, Irani RN, Pyeritz RE, Young RJ and Laspia CL: Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) with Radiolucent Radiopaque Jaw Lesions: A New OI Syndrome. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Oral Pathology. Orlando, Florida. (Abstract #27)
- Wright JM and Dunsworth AR: Follicular Lymphoid Hyperplasia of the Hard Palate: A Benign Lymphoproliferative Process. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Oral Pathology. Reno, Nevada. (Abstract #12)
Specialty Training/Board Certifications
- 1983 - American Board of Oral Medicine, Diplomate
- 1980 - American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Diplomate
National Service/Recognition
- 2018-2021 National Commission on Recognition of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards (NCRDSCB), American Dental Association, Commissioner
- 2016 Invited member of the Concensus and Editorial Panel of the World Health Organization to determine, write and edit the 2017 Classification of Odontogenic Tumors, Cysts and Allied Lesions of the head and neck.
- 2008-10 President, International Association of Oral Pathologists
- 2009-10 President of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.
- 2006 - Regents Professor, Awarded by the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents for a distinguished record of service at the local, state, national and international levels with outstanding accomplishments in teaching and creative or scholarly activity.
- 2006 - Piper Professorship. Prestigious and highly competitive award for teaching excellence among all faculty of institutions of higher learning in the State of Texas
- 2007-10 Commissioner, Commission on Dental Accreditation
- 2003-10 Director, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
- 2003 - Distinguished Alumnus Award, West Virginia University College of Dentistry
- 2002 - Present - Fellowship, International College of Dentists
- 2000 - 2001 President, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
- 1995-Present - Fellowship, American College of Dentists
- 1990 - Teacher of the Year, College of Dentistry, Alumni Association
- 1988 - Certificate of Appreciation. Graduating Dental Class of 1988
- 1984 - Certificate of Appreciation. Graduating Dental Class of 1984
- 1983 - Certificate of Appreciation. Graduating Dental Class of 1983
- 1981 - Teaching Award Dental Hygiene, Class of 1981, Winter Quarter