Paul C. Dechow, PhD

Regents Professor Emeritus
Department of Biomedical Sciences
3302 Gaston Avenue
Phone: 214.828.8208
Education and Post-Graduate Training
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Craniofacial Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (1981-1984)
- Ph.D., Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (1980)
- B.A., Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (1975)
Career History
- Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry (2012-2016)
- Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry (2004-present)
- Director, Graduate Program, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry (1996-2009)
- Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry (1996-2004)
- Graduate Faculty, Texas A&M Health Science Center (1996-present)
- Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry (1993-1996)
- Associate Professor, Graduate Faculty, Baylor University (1993-1996)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Baylor College of Dentistry (1992-1993)
- Assistant Professor, Graduate Faculty, Baylor University (1987-1993)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Baylor College of Dentistry (1986-1992)
- Adjunct Assistant Research Scientist, Center for Human Growth and Development, The University of Michigan (1986-1989)
- Consultant, Department of Orthodontics, The University of Michigan (1986-1989)
- Assistant Research Scientist, Center for Human Growth and Development, The University of Michigan (1984-1985)
- Adjunct Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Orthodontics, The University of Michigan (1985)
- Lecturer, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, The University of Michigan (1984-1985)
- Instructor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, The University of Michigan (1980)
- Teaching Associate, Department of Anatomy, University of Illinois Medical Center (1979-1980)
Education and Training
- Texas A&M University, College of Dentistry, PhD
Research Interests
- Dr. Dechow's research has been broadly concerned with the growth, adaptation, and evolution of the craniofacial skeleton and related soft tissues. Throughout his career, he has addressed this area through a variety of biomechanical, material, and morphologic approaches. Early work focused on comparative and morphometric studies of craniofacial form and physiological studies of the muscles of mastication. Specifically, this work concerned the morphology, function, and biomechanics of the masticatory muscles, and the adaptation of the muscles to clinically relevant alterations, such as surgical overloading, detachment, and chronic lengthening. Of particular interest were the relationships between force and speed of masticatory muscles, muscle form, craniofacial growth, and biomechanics.
- Later and continuing research includes studies of the structural properties, biomechanics, and modeling of the craniofacial skeleton. This work concerns the understanding of the mechanical and elastic properties of bone in the craniofacial region, and the relationship of variations in the properties to the biomechanics of orofacial form and function. The broad question is how do cellular mechanisms of bone growth and remodeling relate to gross skeletal form, function, and evolution.
- Recent research, funded by NIH, focused on the functional results of surgical and traumatic insults on the basic structures and function of the craniofacial skeleton, and the impact of alteration, such as distraction osteogenesis, bond plating (stress shielding), osteoporosis, or edentulation, on the craniofacial skeleton.
- The diversity of bone tissue in the craniofacial region makes this an optimal area for exploring the relationship between the microarchitecture of cortical bone and its material properties. These later studies have led to the use of ultrasound, confocal microscopy, 3D computer reconstruction of internal tissue organization, and biomechanical modeling, including finite element analysis, as experimental techniques.
- A primary interest is the evolution of craniofacial form in humans and other primates. These include the comparative biomechanics, growth, and form of the craniofacial region in both extant and fossil primates, and the relationships between variations in craniofacial structure and function throughout the vertebrates. A major ongoing collaborative project, funded by NSF, is exploring craniofacial structure and feeding mechanics during hominid evolution using advanced techniques of mechanical modeling, structural tissue analysis, and morphological reconstruction of paleontological specimens.
- Dr. Dechow belongs to a number of professional organizations, including the American Association of Anatomists, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Dental Education Association, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, American Society of Biomechanics, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Human Biology Council, International Association for Dental Research, International Bone and Mineral Society, International Primatological Society, International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, Microscopy Society of America, Sigma XI, Society for Clinical Trials, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. He has served on a number of committees and held offices (most recently, President of the Craniofacial Biology Group) of the International Association for Dental Research.
Teaching Interests
- Evidence-based Dentistry and Clinical Research, Gross Anatomy (graduate and dental), Cell and Molecular Biology of Oral and Craniofacial Tissues, Craniofacial Growth and Development, Biology of Bone and Mineralized Tissues, Function and Evolution of the Craniofacial Region, Bone and Craniofacial Biology Journal Club, Scientific Ethics.
Representative Publications
- Kang HK, Chu TM, Dechow P, Stewart K, Kyung HM, Liu SS. Laser-treated stainless steel mini-screw implants; 3D surface roughness, bone-impact contact, and fracture resistance analysis. Eur J Orthod ; published, April 23, 2015 PMID 25908868.
- Elsalanty ME, Malavia V, Zakhary I, Mulone T, Kontogiorgos ED, Dechow PC, Opperman LA. Dentate transport discs can be used to reconstruct large segmental mandibular defects. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 73(4): 745-58; 2015.
- Zapata U, Dechow PC, Watanabe I, Elsalanty ME, Opperman LA. Biomechanics of the canine mandible during bone transport distraction osteogenesis. J Biomech Eng 136 (ii), 2014.
- A novel way to statistically analyze morphologic changes in DMP1-null osteocytes. Ren Y, Lin S, Jing Y, Dechow PC, Feng JQ. Connect Tissue Res 55 Suppl1:129-133, 2014.
- rait DS, Constantino P, Lucas PW, Richmond BG, Spencer MA, Dechow PC, Ross CF, Grosse IR, Wright BW, Wood BA, Weber GW, Wang Q, Byron C, Slice DE, Chalk J, Smith AL, Smith LC, Wood S, Berthaume M, Benazzi S, Dzialo C, Tamvada K, Ledogar JA. Viewpoints: Diet and dietary adaptations in early hominins: The hard food perspective. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:3S39-355, 2013.
- Sun Y, Jiang Y, Liu Q, Gao T, Feng JQ, Dechow P, D'Souza RN, Qin C, Liu X. Biomimetic engineering of nanofibrous gelatin scaffolds with noncollagenous proteins for enhanced bone regeneration. Tissue Eng Part A 15-16: 1754-63, 2013; PubMed PMID: 23469769.
- Jin Z, Wei W, Dechow PC, Wan Y. HDAC7 inhibits osteoclastogenesis by reversing RANKL-triggered β-catenin switch. Mol Endocrinol 27 (2): 325-335. PubMed PMID: 23204328.
- Kontogiorgos E, Elsalanty ME, Zakhary I, Nagy WW, Dechow PC, Opperman LA. Osseointegration of dental implants placed into canine mandibular bone regenerated by bone transport distraction osteogenesis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 28: 677-686, 2013.
- Massey CC, Kontogiorgos E, Taylor R, Opperman L, Dechow P, Buschang PH. Effect of force on alveolar bone surrounding miniscrew implants: A 3-dimensional microcomputed tomography study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 142:32-44, 2012.
- Shibazaki-Yorozuya R, Wang Q, Dechow PC, Maki K, Opperman LA. Changes in biomechanical strain and morphology of rat calvarial sutures and bone after Tgf-β3 inhibition of posterior interfrontal suture fusion. Anat Rec 295:928-938, 2012.
- Strait DS, Weber GW, Constantino P, Lucas PW, Richmond BG, Spencer MA, Dechow PC, Ross CF, Grosse IR, Wright BW, Wood BA, Wang Q, Byron C, Slice DE. Microwear, mechanics and the feeding adaptations of Australopithecus africanus. J Hum Evol 62:165-168, 2012.
- Wei W, Zeve D, Suh J, Wang X, Du Y, Zerwekh J, Dechow P, Graff J, Wan Y. Biphasic and dosage-dependent regulation of osteoclastogenesis by β-Catenin. Mol Cell Biol 31:4706-19, 2011.
- Han X, Liu M, Voisey A, Ren Y, Kurimoto P, Gao T, Tefera L, Dechow P, Ke H, Feng J. Postnatal effect of overexpressed DKK1 on mandibular molar formation. J Dent Res 90:1312-17, 2011.
- Zapata U, Halvachs E, Dechow P, Elsalanty M, Opperman L. Architecture and microstructure of cortical bone in reconstructed canine mandibles after bone transport distraction osteogenesis. Calcif Tiss Inter 89:379-88, 2011.
- Zapata U, Opperman L, Kontogiorgos E, Elsalanty M, Dechow P. Biomechanical characteristics of regenerated cortical bone in the canine mandible. J Tiss Eng Reg Med 5:551-559, 2011.
- Zapata U, Opperman L, Kontogiorgos E, Elsalanty M, Dechow P. Biomechanical characteristics of regenerated cortical bone in the canine mandible. J Tiss Eng Reg Med 5:551-559, 2011.
- Spencer A, Campbell P, Dechow P, Ellis M, Buschang P. How does the rate of dentoalveolar distraction affect the bone regenerate produced? Am J Ortho and Dentofacial Ortho 140:211-221, 2011.
- Moore C, Campbell P, Dechow P, Ellis M, Buschang P. Effects of latency on the quality and quantity of bone produced by dentoalveolar distraction osteogenesis. Am J Ortho and Dentofacial Ortho 140:470-478, 2011
- Kontogiorgos E, Elsalanty ME, Zapata U, Zakhary I, Nagy W, Dechow P, Opperman L. Three-dimensional evaluation of mandibular bone regenerated by bone transport distraction osteogenesis. Calcified Tissue International 89: 43-52, 2011.
20.Chalk J, Richmond BG, Ross CF, Strait DS, Wright BW, Spencer MA, Wang Q, Dechow PC. A finite element analysis of masticatory stress hypotheses. Am J Phys Anthropol 145:1-10, 2011. - Jones DL, Hinton RJ, Dechow PC, Abdellatif H, McCann AL, Schneiderman ED, D'Souza R. The evidence-based dentistry initiative at Baylor College of Dentistry. Tex Dent J 128:177-180, 2011.
- Hinton RJ, Dechow PC, Abdellatif H, Jones DL, McCann AL, Schneiderman ED, D'Souza R. Creating an evidence-based dentistry culture at Baylor College of Dentistry: The winds of change. J Dent Educ 75:279-290, 2011.
- Ross CF, Berthaume MA, Dechow PC, Iriarte-Diaz J, Porro LB, Richmond BG, Spencer M, Strait D. In vivo bone strain and finite-element modeling of the craniofacial haft in catarrhine primates. J Anat 218:112-141, 2011.
- Hinton RJ, Dechow PC, Abdellatif H, Jones DL, McCann AL, Schneiderman ED, D'Souza R. Creating an evidence-based dentistry culture at Baylor College of Dentistry: The winds of change. J Dent Educ 75:279-290, 2011.
- Ross CF, Berthaume MA, Dechow PC, Iriarte-Diaz J, Porro LB, Richmond BG, Spencer M, Strait D. In vivo bone strain and finite-element modeling of the craniofacial haft in catarrhine primates. J Anat 218:112-141, 2011.
- Chung DH, Dechow PC. Elastic anisotropy and off-axis ultrasonic velocity distribution in human cortical bone. J Anat 218:26-39, 2011.
- Muhney KA, Dechow PC. Patients' perception of pain during ultrasonic debridement: A comparison between piezoelectric and magnetostrictive scalers. J Dent Hyg 84: 185-189, 2010.
- Wei W, Wang X, Yang M, Smith LC, Dechow PC, Wan Y. PGC1beta mediates PPARgamma activation of osteoclastogenesis and rosiglitazone-induced bone loss. Cell Metab 11:503-516, 2010.
- Foley CH, Kerns DG, Hallmon WW, Rivera-Hidalgo F, Nelson CJ, Spears R, Dechow PC, Opperman LA. Effect of phosphate treatment of acid-etched implants on mineral apposition rates near implants in a dog model. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 25:278-286, 2010.
- Dechow PC, Wang Q, Peterson J. Edentulation alters material properties of cortical bone in the human craniofacial skeleton: Functional implications for craniofacial structure in primate evolution. Anat Rec 293:618-629, 2010.
- Strait DS, Grosse IR, Dechow PC, Smith AL, Wang Q, Weber GW, Neubauer S, Slice DE, Chalk J, Richmond BG, Lucas PW, Spencer MA, Schrein C, Wright BW, Byron C, Ross CF. The structural rigidity of the cranium of Australopithecus africanus: Implication for diet, dietary adaptations, and the allometry of feeding biomechanics. Anat Rec 293:583-593, 2010.
- Gluhak-Heinrich J, Guo D, Yang W, Harris MA, Lichtler A, Kream B, Zhang J, Feng JQ, Smith LC, Dechow P, Harris SE. New roles and mechanism of action of BMP4 in postnatal tooth cytodifferentiation. Bone 46:1533-45, 2010.
- Pickard MB, Dechow P, Rossouw PE, Buschang PH. Effects of miniscrew orientation on implant stability and resistance to failure. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 137:91-99, 2010.
- Zapata U, Elsalanty ME, Dechow PC, Opperman LA. Biomechanical configurations of mandibular transport distraction osteogenesis devices. Tissue Eng Part B 16:273-283, 2010.
- Wang Q, Ashley DW, Dechow PC. Regional, ontogenetic, and sex-related variations in elastic properties of cortical bone in baboon mandibles. Am J Phys Anthropol 141:526-49, 2010.
- Zapata U, Metzger K, Wang Q, Elsey RM, Ross CF, Dechow PC. Material properties of mandibular cortical bone in the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis. Bone 46:860-867, 2010.
- Strait DS, Weber GW, Neubauer S, Chalk J, Richmond BG, Lucas PW, Spencer MA, Schrein C, Dechow PC, Ross CF, Grosse IR, Wright BW, Constantino P, Wood BA, Lawn B, Hylander WL, Wang Q, Byron C, Slice DE, Smith AL. The feeding biomechanics and dietary ecology of Australopithecus africanus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:2124-9, 2009.
- Komabayashi T, D'Souza RN, Dechow PC, Safavi KR, Spanberg LS. Particle size and shape of calcium hydroxide. J Endod 35: 284-287, 2009.
- Wang Q, Dechow PC, Wright BW, Ross CF, Strait DS, Richmond BG, Spencer MA. Surface strain on bone and sutures in a monkey facial skeleton: An in vitro method and its relevance to Finite Element Analysis. In: Vinyard CJ, Ravosa MJ and Wall CE, eds., Primate Craniofacial Function and Biology; Springer: New York, 2008.
- Strait DS, Wright B, Richmond BG, Ross CF, Dechow PC, Spencer MA, Wang Q. Craniofacial strain patterns during premolar loading: Implications for human evolution. In: Vinyard CJ, Ravosa MJ and Wall CE, eds., Primate Craniofacial Function and Biology; Springer: New York, 2008.
- Naidu A, Dechow PC, Spears R, Wright JM, Kessler HP, Opperman LA. The effects of bisphosphonates on osteoblasts in vitro. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 106:5-13, 2008.
- Wang Q, Dechow PC, Hens SM. Ontogeny and diachronic changes in sexual dimorphism in the craniofacial skeleton of rhesus macaques from Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico. J Hum Evol 53:350-61, 2007.
- Parks LR, Buschang PH, Alexander RA, Dechow P, Rossouw PE. Masticatory exercise as an adjunctive treatment for hyperdivergent patients. Angle Orthodontist 77:457-462, 2007
- Shibazaki R, Dechow PC, Maki K, Opperman LA. Biomechanical strain and morphologic changes with age in rat calvarial bone and sutures. Plast Reconstr Surg 119:2167-2181, 2007.
- Strait DS, Richmond BG, Spencer MA, Ross CF, Dechow PC, Wood BA. Masticatory biomechanics and its relevance to early hominid phylogeny: An examination of palate thickness using finite element analysis. J Hum Evol 52:585-599, 2007.
- Yamashita J, Wang Q, Dechow PC. Biomechanical effects of fixed partial denture therapy on strain patterns of the mandible. J Prosthet Dent 95:55-62, 2006.
- Peterson J, Wang Q, Dechow PC. Materials properties of the dentate maxilla. Anat Rec. A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol 288:962-972, 2006.
- Wang Q, Dechow PC. Elastic properties of external cortical bone in the craniofacial skeleton of the rhesus monkey. Am J Phys Anthropol 131:402-415, 2006.
- Wang Q, Opperman LA, Havill LM, Carlson DS, Dechow PC. Inheritance of sutural pattern at the pterion in Rhesus monkey skulls. Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol 288:1042-1049, 2006.
- Wang Q, Strait DS, Dechow PC. A comparison of cortical elastic properties in the craniofacial skeletons of three primate species and its relevance to the study of human evolution. J Hum Evol 51:375-382, 2006.
- Wang Q, Strait DS, Dechow PC. Fusion patterns of craniofacial sutures in rhesus monkey skulls of known age and sex from Cayo Santiago. Am J Phys Anthropol 131:469-485, 2006.
- Dechow PC. In memoriam: Ronald Singer, 1924-2006. The Anatomical Record (Part B: New Anat.) 289B:114-115, 2006
- Ross CF, Patel BA, Slice DE, Strait D, Dechow PC, Richmond B, Spencer M. Modeling masticatory muscle force in finite-element analysis: Sensitivity analysis using principal coordinates analysis. Anatomical Record 283A:288-299, 2005.
- Strait D, Wang Q, Dechow PC, Ross CF, Richmond B, Spencer M, Patel BA. Modeling elastic properties in finite element analysis: How much precision is needed to produce an accurate model? Anatomical Record 283A:275-287, 2005.
- Richmond BG, Wright BW, Grosse I, Dechow PC, Ross CF, Spencer MA, Strait DS. Finite element analysis in functional morphology. Anatomical Record Part A 283A:259-274, 2005.
- Peterson J, Dechow PC. Material properties of the cranial vault and zygoma. Anatomical Record, Part A 274A:785-797, 2003.
- Peterson J, Dechow PC. Material properties of the cranial vault and zygoma. Anatomical Record, Part A 274A:785-797, 2003.
- Schwartz-Dabney CL, Dechow PC. Variations in cortical material properties throughout the human dentate mandible. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 120:252-277, 2003.
- Schwartz-Dabney CL, Dechow PC. Accuracy of elastic property measurement in mandibular cortical bone is improved by using cylindrical specimens. J Biomech Eng 124:714-723, 2002.
- Schwartz-Dabney CL, Dechow PC. Edentulation alters material properties of mandibular cortical bone. Journal of Dental Research 81:613-617, 2002.
- Peterson J, Dechow PD. Material properties of the inner and outer cortical tables of the human parietal bone. Anatomical Record 268:7-15, 2002.
- Delson E, Terranova CJ, Jungers WL, Sargis EG, Jablonski NG, Dechow PC. Body mass in Cercopithecidae (Primates, Mammalis): Estimation and scaling in extinct and extant taxa. American Museum of Natural History Novitatas, 2001.
- Dechow PC, Hylander WL. Elastic properties and masticatory bone stress in the macaque mandible. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 112:553-574, 2000.
- Cope JB, Harper RP, Yamashita J, Healy S, Dechow PC. Force level and strain patterns during bilateral mandibular osteodistraction. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 58:171-178, 2000.
- Throckmorton GS, Dechow PC. In vitro strain measurements in the condylar process of the human mandible. Archs Oral Biol 39:853-867, 1994.
- Dechow PC, Carlson DS. Occlusal force and craniofacial biomechanics during growth in rhesus monkeys.American Journal of Physical Anthropology 83:219-237, 1990.
- Guelinckx P, Dechow PC, Vanrusselt R, Carlson DS. Adaptations in the temporalis muscles of rabbits after masseter muscle removal. J Dent Res 65:1294-1299, 1986.