Phillip Kramer, PhD

Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Texas A&M University College of Dentistry
3302 Gaston Avenue
Phone: 214.828.8162
Fax: 214.874.4538
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Career History
Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry (2013-present)
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry (2005-present)
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry (2001-2005)
Intramural Research Training Award Fellowship, Texas A&M University, Institute of Biosciences and Technology (1997-2001)
Instructor, Biochemistry Laboratory Techniques, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (1992)
Teaching Interests
Teaching responsibilities include:
Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Physiology
Research Interests
Our lab is interested in two subject areas: first, how hormone levels (directly and indirectly) lead to changes in immune reactions and pain responses in the temporomandibular joint. Varied sources of evidence support the idea that sex hormones regulate the immune response in patients with auto-immune disorders.
Second, we are interested in the use of mesenchymal stem cells or multipotent adult progenitor cells for repair or replacement of damaged tissues in the oral cavity. Our goal is to determine the stem cells' potential to differentiate into specific oral cell types and determine the mechanistic processes by which these stem cells transform.
Recent Grants
Estrogen and TMJ Pain. NIH/NIDCR R01 DE022129, 2012-2016; Studies the role of estrogen in modulating the pain in the TMJ. Role: PI.
Sex steroids, and TMJ Pain. NIH/NIDCR R01 DE016059-10A1, 2005-2010; $1,500,000 direct costs (Bellinger, PI). Studies the role of estrogen in modulating the pain in arthritic temporomandibular joint. Role: Co-investigator.
Intra-articular TMJ injection study of microbeads. Appian Labs, 2008-2010; $50,000. Role: PI.
Selected Publications
Kramer, P.R., Kramer, S.F., Marr, K., Guan, G., Wellman, P.J., Bellinger, L.L. (2007) Nicotine administration effects on feeding and cocaine-amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) expression in the hypothalamus. Regul Pept. 128(2-3) 66-73.
Bellinger, L.L., Spears, R.D., King, C.M., Dahm, F., Hutchins, B., Kramer, P.R. (2007). Capsaicin sensitive neurons role in the inflamed TMJ acute nociceptive response of female and male rats. Physio Behav. 90(5) 782-789.
- Kramer, P.R., Guan, G., Wellman, P.J., Bellinger, L.L. (2007) Nicotine's attenuation of body weight involves the perifornical hypothalamus. Life Sciences 81(6) 500-508.
Kramer, P.R., Winger, V., Kramer, S.F. (2007) 17-β-estradiol utilizes the estrogen receptor to regulate CD16 expression in monocytes. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 279 (102) 16-25; Epub 2007 Sept. 4.
Chamorro, M., Reagan, J.D., Opperman, L., Kramer, P.R. (2007). Effect of storage media on periodontal ligament cell apoptosis and expression of osteogenic characteristics. Dental Traumatology 24(1) 11-17.
Kramer, P.R., Guan, G., Zhou, J., Hu, Z., Bellinger, L.L. (2008). Selective blockade of the rat brain aqueduct with thermogelling hydrogel nanoparticle dispersion. Physiology and Behavior 93:546-552.
Mountziaris, P.M., Kramer, P.R., Mikos, A.G. (2009). Emerging intra-articular drug delivery systems for the temporomandibular joint. Methods 47:134-140.
Kramer, P.R., Winger, V., Reuben J. (2009). P13K limits TNF-alpha production in CD16-activated monocytes. Eur J Immunol 39:561-570.
Kramer, P.R., Janikkeith, A., Cai, Z., M, S., Watanabe, I. (2009). Integrin-mediated attachment of periodontal ligament to titanium surfaces. Dent Mater 25:877-883.
Kramer, P.R., Bellinger L.L. (2009). The effects of cycling levels of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone on the magnitude of temporomandibular joint-induced nociception. Endocrinology 150:3680-9.
Puri, J., Hutchins, B., Bellinger, L.L., Kramer, P.R. (2009). Estrogen and inflammation modulate estrogen receptor alpha expression in specific tissues of the temporomandibular joint. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 7:155.
Waleed, E., Kramer, P., Watanabe, I. (2009). In vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of elemental ions released from different prosthodontic materials. Dent Mater J 25:1551-55.
Bellinger, L.L., Wellman, P.J., Harris, R.B., Kelso, E.W., Kramer, P.R. (2010). The effects of chronic nicotine on meal patterns, food intake, metabolism and body weight of male rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 95:92-99.
- Kramer, P.R., Kerins, C.A., Schneiderman, E., Bellinger, L.L. (2010). Measuring persistent temporomandibular joint nociception in rats and two mice strains. Physiol Behav 99:669-678.
- Mountziaris, P.M., Sing, D.C., Mikos, A.G., Kramer, P. (2010). Intra-articular microparticles for drug delivery to the rat TMJ. J Dent Res 89:1039-44.
- Kramer, P., Puri, J., Bellinger, L. (2010). Knockdown of Fcγ receptor III in an arthritic temporomandibular joint reduces the nociceptive response in rats. Arthritis Rheum 62:3109-18.
- Puri, J., Bellinger, L.L., Kramer, P.R. (2011). Estrogen in cycling rats alters gene expression in the temporomandibular joint, trigeminal ganglia and trigeminal subnucleus/upper cervical cord junction. J Cell Physiol 226:3169-80.
- Messina, A., Ferraris, N., Wray, S., Cagnoni, F., Donohue, D., Casoni, F., Kramer, P., Derijck, A., Adolfs, Y., Fasolo, A., Pasterkamp., R., Giacobini, P. (2011). Dysregulation of Semaphorin7A/β1-integrin signaling leads to defective GnRH-1 cell migration, abnormal gonadal development and altered fertility. Hum Mol Genet 20:4759-74.
- Puri, J., Vinothini, P., Reuben, J., Bellinger, L.L., Ailing, L., Peng, Y.B., Kramer, P.R. (2012). Reduced GABA(A) receptor α6 expression in the trigeminal ganglion alters inflammatory TMJ hypersensitivity. Neuroscience 214:179-190.
- Mountziaris, P.M., Tzounas, S.N., Sing, D.S.C., Kramer, P.R., Kasper, F.K., Mikos, A.G. (2012). Intra-articular controlled release of anti-inflammatory siRNA with biodegradable polymermicroparticles ameliorates temporomandibular joint inflammation. Acta Biomater 8:3552-60.
- Kramer, P.R., He, J., Puri, J., Bellinger, L.L. (2012). A non-invasive model for measuring nociception after tooth pulp exposure. J Dent Res 91:883-887.
- Kramer, P.R., Bellinger L.L. (2013). Modulation of temporomandibular joint nociception and inflammation in male rats after administering a physiological concentration of 17β-oestradiol. Eur J Pain 17:174-184.
- Kramer, P.R., Bellinger L.L. (2013). Reduced GABAA receptor α6 expression in the trigeminal ganglion enhanced myofacial nociceptive responses. Neuroscience 245:1-11.
- Kramer, P.R., Bellinger L.L. (2014). Infusion of Gabra6 siRNA into the trigeminal ganglia increased the myogenic orofacial nociception response of ovarectomized rats treated with 17beta estradiol. Neuroscience 278:144-153.
- Kramer P.R., Umorin M., Bellinger L.L. (2015). Attenuation of myogenic orofacial nociception and mechanical hypersensitivity by viral mediated enkephalin overproduction in male and female rats. BMS Neurology 15: 34.
Education and Training
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Neuroendocrinology, 1997-2001
- Texas A&M University, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Houston, TX, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Molecular Biology, 1996-1997
- Texas A&M University, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Houston, TX, Ph.D., Biochemistry, 1996
- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, B.S., Biochemistry/Cell Biology, 1991