Emet Schneiderman, PhD

About Emet Schneiderman
Dr. Emet Schneiderman has 35+ years of experience in the design and analysis of dental and craniofacial studies on humans and animals. His interests include the interplay between orofacial form, respiratory function, obstructive sleep apnea, sleep quality and brain health. His research experience in these areas, as well as temporomandibular (TMJ) form, disorders and treatment, provide a background for better understanding clinical interventions such as oral appliance therapy. He has worked closely with dental and other healthcare professionals throughout his career and has made strides in advancing translational and clinical research at the University.
Dr. Schneiderman received his bachelor's and master’s degrees in from Northwestern University and his PhD from the University of Michigan, all in physical anthropology. He currently teaches human anatomy, biostatistics and evidence based practice at TAMU College of Dentistry, and taught at the University of Michigan and University of Detroit Mercy before coming to Texas.
Other relevant experience includes having served an investigator on NIH, NLM, HRSA and Texas TIF grants, more than 97 publications including a book, and two-dozen computer programs, and a number of articles about statistical methodology. Furthermore, he believes the Sleep Research Program is poised to improve the lives of many individuals with a variety of disorders – that involve airway, oral, brain and heart conditions – by improving sleep quality with oral appliance therapy.