Clinical Training
Clinical Training
The clinical phase of the AEGD program consists of experience and instruction in the following areas: endodontics, periodontics, fixed and removable prosthodontics, implants (surgical placement and restoration), pediatric dentistry, and special needs patients. Educationally qualified specialists in each of these areas participate in instruction and are always available for consultations.
The Endodontic portion of the residency training program will provide the resident with clinical and didactic experience in the treatment of teeth with pathology of and injury to the dental pulp and periapical tissues.
The resident will be expected to develop proficiency in endodontic evaluation; diagnosis and case selection; treatment of uncomplicated nonsurgical and possibly surgical cases; and management of endodontic emergencies.
The role of endodontics in comprehensive patient care will be emphasized and reinforced through coordination of multidisciplinary treatment planning.
Clinical Experience:
Most patients receiving endodontic care will be comprehensive care patients assigned to each resident. Some patients may be assigned by the mentor in endodontics. Every effort will be made to expose the resident to a wide variety of endodontic problems.
The Periodontics component of the AEGD program is designed to expand the resident's experience in the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic periodontal disease. Emphasis is placed on treatment planning and an understanding of the role of periodontics in comprehensive dental care.
Clinical Experience:
Patients receiving periodontal treatment will come from each resident's pool of comprehensive care patients. Every effort will be made to ensure each resident receives experience in the diagnosis and treatment of all variations of periodontal disease.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
This phase of the training program will provide a comprehensive review of basic oral surgical principles and increase the resident's competence in exodontia and other minor dentoalveolar surgical techniques. Experience will be provided in treatment planning, management of medically compromised patients, conscious sedation, comprehensive control of pain and anxiety and the medicolegal aspects of surgical care.
Clinical Experience:
Patients will be assigned to cases with increasing complexity as the resident's dentoalveolar surgical skills increase. Definitive care of referral/emergency patients will be provided by the resident while under supervision of mentors. For the remainder of the year, most dentoalveolar surgery will be accomplished in the AEGD clinic.
Operative Dentistry
The purpose of the Operative Dentistry portion of the AEGD is to increase the resident's expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of dental caries. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing skills in complex restorative techniques. Additionally, the resident will be encouraged to develop a personal philosophy for general practice, total patient care and continuity of treatment for the patient.
Clinical Experience:
Patients receiving Operative Dentistry care will come from the resident's comprehensive care patient pool. A variety of state-of-the-art materials will be available for use, and the resident is encouraged to become familiar with the clinical handling and performance of all restorative materials.
Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics
As in all areas, this phase of the AEGD program is designed to expand the resident's knowledge and clinical expertise beyond that acquired in dental school. The graduate resident will gain experience and management in the diagnosis, treatment planning, clinical care and coordination of fixed and removable prosthodontics as part of proper comprehensive care.
Clinical Experience:
Chairside consultations, demonstrations and instruction during clinical periods will be provided in, but not limited to such areas as patient management, diagnosis and treatment planning, anterior and posterior single crowns, simple and complex fixed partial dentures, surveyed crowns, management of endodontically treated teeth, and basic occlusal equilibration.
Implants (Surgical Placement and Restoration)
Implants have become an important component of the restorative armamentarium. Residents will gain clinical experience in the treatment of patients who require dental implants as part of their comprehensive care. Residents will gain experience in the diagnosis, treatment planning, surgical placement and restoration of implant cases.
Pediatric Dentistry
The purpose of the Pediatric Dentistry phase of the AEGD program is to provide guidelines which will enhance the resident's skill and confidence in all areas of children's dentistry. Patient and parent education, motivation and preventive dentistry will be emphasized. The resident will be familiarized with techniques for managing the difficult child, including behavior modification, and inhalation analgesia. In combination with instruction in orthodontics, the resident should be able to identify and treat occlusal problems within his/her capability and refer more difficult cases for definitive care.
Clinical Experience:
Each resident will treat patients in the college's Pediatric Clinic on a scheduled basis. Patient care in this evironment will familiarize dental care of healthy, ambulatory patients as well as those requiring in-hospital treatment. The goal for this introduction will hopefully result in AEGD graduates seeking opportunities to care for this population in their future communities.