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How to Apply Corticosteroids

Corticosteroids and Topical Medications: Are You Applying Them Correctly?

  • Your doctor has prescribed a topical corticosteroid gel, ointment or cream for periodic application to your mouth sores. Please follow his/her instructions as written on the prescription box regarding how many times you should apply the medication daily. These medications are used to reduce inflammation and often used for skin conditions such as eczema and allergic reactions. Some commonly used medications are betamethasone and clobetasol. The box sometimes will say that the medication is for “external use only” since the most commonly used corticosteroids are used for “external skin lesions” most of the time. However, the safety of corticosteroids in the mouth is based on research and they are commonly prescribed as well for oral lesions/conditions. Follow instructions in the use listed below.
  • It is important to make sure that one of these applications occur just before bedtime in the evening. The medication probably stays in place longer at that time because saliva flow diminishes when you are asleep.
  • Do not eat or drink anything for at least 30-45 minutes after any application.
  • It will help if you gently blot the area with gauze. This also will help keep the medication in place for a longer period of time.
  • When you apply the topical corticosteroid, try to avoid rubbing it in place using a back-and-forth motion, because that motion may rub the “skin” surface away. Instead pat the medication into place. This means just “light, gentle pats.”
  • Remember that more is not better. All you need to do is apply a thin coating of the medication. If you do this, it will stay in place better, last longer, and will be safer to use. The areas that are treated orally, are not as large as those skin areas so the amount of the medication is much less. Less of the medication is absorbed into the whole body over time.
  • Wash your hands after application-especially if any contacted your fingers and hand area. Do not touch your eyes.
  • Do not use any medication after the expiration date on the box/tube.
  • When in doubt about your particular issue, contact your healthcare provider for clarification.

How to apply topical corticosteroids in the mouth-The Stomatology Center, Texas A&M College of Dentistry, Dallas Texas, January 2022.