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Faculty Development

Our Multi-faceted Approach

Texas A&M College of Dentistry’s multi-faceted approach to faculty development includes programs and activities that promote growth and development of faculty in the areas of teaching, research, and service. 

Oversight of faculty development is managed collaboratively through the Office of Faculty Affairs and the Faculty Development Committee (FDC).

Charges and Responsibilities of the FDC:

  • Continuously monitor and improve plans for faculty development by prioritizing goals with available resources.
  • Promote faculty collaboration through enhanced communication and networking activities.
  • Encourage faculty participation in activities that foster continued improvement such as opportunities for continuing education, faculty development leave and collaborative efforts.
  • Plan & promote workshops and seminars for faculty development.
  • Participate in programs to recognize faculty performance such as the Faculty Teaching, Research and Service Awards.
  • Coordinate efforts with all other committees and offices as appropriate.