Tutoring FAQs
Tutor Assisted Learning FAQs
How can a tutor help me?
A tutor gives individual, online or small group tutorials. D2 tutors are also assigned to the Gross Anatomy lab to answer questions during the weekend before exams. Our tutors are trained to guide you through and explain concepts so that you can come to an understanding and obtain the skills to study and complete assignments on your own.
What is the purpose of tutoring?
The purpose of tutoring is to help you help yourself, to guide you to a point where you become an independent learner and no longer need tutoring.
What is a small group tutorial?
Small group tutoring sessions consist of 2-5 students who have similar questions or problem areas in the same course.
How can I prepare for my tutoring sessions?
When you make the appointment, inform your tutor about the areas on which to focus. Please bring any relevant materials such as text books, PowerPoint pages, worksheets, notes, handouts or other supplies you may need. It is also helpful if you have specific questions so the tutor can prevent spending time on issues that are not a concern for you.
Is there a charge for tutoring?
No, this is a free service for College of Dentistry students who qualify for the service. All tutors are paid and the dental peer tutors also earn credit for a selective course.