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Counseling Services

Academic Counseling

Dental and dental hygiene school, especially the first year, is demanding and the numbers of courses require a lot more of your time than a typical undergraduate curriculum.  It is not unusual for students to have difficulty keeping up with the coursework.  Many students find that group study offers an important way to review notes and materials after hours.  Most students simply find a few classmates who live near them or with compatible schedules or lifestyles to allow informal group study in the evenings or on weekends.

If you should experience problems in a particular course, the key is to seek help immediately. You should make every effort to talk with the course director.  He or she may be able to offer suggestions for ways to study more effectively, or may recommend study guides or other materials or methods to improve learning and retention in his/her particular course. Dental hygiene students are encouraged to seek the help of the course director first, and then their faculty advisor who can assist them in obtaining appropriate help.  In addition to working with course directors, tutoring by your peers can be arranged by contacting Dr. Kerin Burdette at ext. 8108.

Dr. Ernie Lacy and Mr. Beau Stuart in the Office of Student Affairs are always available to assist, guide and counsel students in all areas, both academic and personal. The Office of Student Affairs is located in Room 503. 

Psychological Counseling

Up to six sessions of confidential, off-campus psychological counseling are available at no charge to all students (dental, dental. hygiene and graduate). Students must be referred for psychological services by the Office of Student Affairs. All student contacts will be confidential. Please contact Mr. Beau Stuart, Student Affairs Administrator for a referral.

Career Counseling

Students are encouraged to talk to faculty about professional opportunities, clarifying career goals and interests, areas of postdoctoral training, and confronting and resolving doubts about career choices. They are also encouraged to participate in the college's Great Expectations Mentoring Program. 

To aid students in their future practice plan decisions, practice opportunities are listed on the Alumni Association website.